karossi created a topic of I Thought It Was Time!

she's such a fuckin hater broooo and what's "she's bringing in her own people to take control of the house" AFTER SHE ADMITS NONE OF THEM WANTED TO CARE FOR LARIETTE. How is bringing in one close maid that will care for her gonna do anything?? it's not like she went around firing staff and rehired her own people. Even though she should have after they failed to care for the mistress of the house.

However they feel doesn't mean they get to pass judgement on a situation, they're not family at the end of the day. She has done and is continuing to do a lot for the house and for Ashrahan. She's (the mercenary) literally passing rations for war relief knowing it's a good thing and it will make her Lord look good and she doesn't like it bc Lariette is behind it. Hating ass mf biatchhh


I had to go back and reread the whole thing to appreciate everything that led up to this moment


it always gives me the biggest fuckin ick when a dude goes "my woman" LOL ik it's supposed to be hot or whatever that he's possessive and clingy but I cringe every time. it's not just this series

its always some dude going "I don't like when my woman smells/talks/looks/etc etc at another man" bro eughhfhfhfhhhgg ahhhhh

that enough makes him guilty of everything bc murder comes as close to a sin as this (jk. but I do actually like blondie. he's cool. pinky is a fuckin dumbasssssss tho what da helll)

they kept bringing up the sister and I was like watch her also come to this world and boom bam bing there she is

though !! it's sad to think that a high schooler probably offed themselves/died. I wonder if she took that route because the parents were pressuring her to be this perfect golden child. it's often the case.

tho I do wonder what her "reasons" were to ignore Chika. She has to start from the ground up for those rights she's demanding, rn she has zero.

im already getting blue balled by one series (assassin x Cinderella iykyk) I will NOT be a victim a second time (I'm already a victim and I'll be back)

I don't really consider this a harem bc he's a child and these are grown women who don't have an interest in him in that way aside from the princess, ofc. and maybe the elemental girl.

buuut like ?? Harem where?? lol the maid is a maid/mom, the dragon kid is a kid and he's her dad, the sword is a sword, the teacher doesn't even fully trust him, there's the sister? but like, no one is flinging themselves at him? no one is being annoyingly in love with him? everyone plays their part. this is 100% action with the plot always moving in that direction.

if you hate women just say that bros lol it's ok to like men and only want to see men. plenty of BL around for that.


karossi created a topic of Tears on a Withered Flower

it's tragic to see someone be labeled as a waste and then go and be exactly that. a waste. I understand they had hard circumstances but it'll never be an excuse.

as much as I hate Mincheol and don't want to see his sorry ass unless it's to witness his fuck up coming back to haunt him - ahem, it is realistic to watch someone grieve a relationship. she went through so much with this guy that even if she hates or is furious with him she'll have a lot that reminds her of him. UNTILLLLLL HER NEW YOUNGER, HOTTER, BETTER THAN MINPOOP BF SWOOPS IN AND REFILLS HER MEMORIES WITH NOTHING BUT HIM AND ALL THEIR CUTE GOOD TIMES. LESSSGOOOOOOO

I agree with the comment on here that says she's kinda dumb to be a prosecutor. it WOULD have been MUCH better if like they said she was just a true crime enthusiast because so far she has done really poorly.

first off, it was never said the ML is the serial killer but she immediately branded him as one and started finding evidence to pin on him. To me, that's already a bias and clouds your mind to so many possibilities and clues that can be overlooked because your mind is looking for clues against a specific suspect, not others.

second, she did end up realizing that ML could potentially not be the serial killer but again, she already has a bias so even though there are other possible suspects her mind always goes back to ML. ML may fit the "description" but everything he has done so far would paint him as someone who has nothing to do with the crime imo. she's always reaching with her "theories"

third, I think the most likely suspect and possible criminal and the one that makes the most sense is the step mother lol she is from cordina or whatever. if she were a spy she would gain favor to take down a duke household. she could easily be plotting everything to where the Duke looks guilty af, everyone he comes across, so that he is eventually suspected and incriminated. she comes from a "humble" background, but that's an easy way to make everyone look down on you and be less suspicious as well as not investigate too deeply. she made connections with the queen. if she befriends the queen she can advise her on certain things, see whats happening straight at the top and report back. I also don't believe her green tea bitch personality lol someone beautiful and kind doesn't turn up on the day of a mothers funeral and announce her presence. she's a fuckin snake.

karossi created a topic of Leveling Up With Skills

that was kinda disappointing HAHA usually there's a reason why the annoying character that's going to make everyone's life hell gets elected. he'll probably die soon lol hopefully

still annoying he got his way and also annoying that MC stepped in to save tayeon (??? is this her name? I forgot) when it would have been so much better for her to handle it herself. i know she's technically still weak in comparison but she should be strong enough to wipe out those dudes.

karossi created a topic of Tears on a Withered Flower

it kills me seeing that he thinks he's so great !! I want him to see Taeha so much, to feel little, like dust. to be reminded that he isn't anything but a shit stain underneath someone better's shoes.

i cannot wait for the day his eyes begin to dull and he loses the light he sucked out of her like the fuckin vampire he is and all he can do is watch MC radiate far from him.

I'm happy to see she didn't hesitate. as much as is hurt her and it won't be easy to turn away someone you were with for 13yrs... she really told him to fuck off. ML's effects are taking hold !!

karossi created a topic of Leveling Up With Skills

I hope this is the first instance where they let her show her abilities. I don't think Taesan will interfere, unless it gets too ugly, but I think he'll probably tell her to beat his ass lol and she'll have to do it if she wants to show she's diligently following his training and she's just as capable. which, she is! she became the strongest player so it shows she has the ability and will power when pushed to that point

karossi created a topic of Our Sunny Days

I know she's just a dumb teenager but she's also old enough to know. she's old enough to know to mind her business and she's a college kid so she should also know not to be a ignorant piece of shit. so no, she doesn't get a pass just because she's "a teenager". she's not 15, she's almost 20. and also, how has "ordinary" worked out for Mr. Kwon so far?? even tho we all knew this was coming I think it's more disappointing to see it come from a young girl and not the old, outdated woman/man we thought would be the first to raise hell.

but it's not totally surprising bccccc its south korea. South korea is extremely conservative and they had already hinted that they would likely go through many tests and trials trying to make a family work there. I guess this is the start of those gates being opened.

karossi created a topic of Standard of Reincarnation

I'll still never get over the rivals name being Kagon cause if you change that to Cagon in spanish it means shitter. a shitty person, a shithead, turd, dumbass, someone who shits themselves (literal) etc etc so it makes me laugh every time I see it. perf name for a rival ig

karossi created a topic of Leveling Up With Skills

this series is so entertaining to me even though it moves slower than most other series. Maybe it's because it's filled with Taesan continuously working to aquire his past skills and grow even stronger. We also got a preview of how strong he previously was on "Easy" mode so it gives us something to look forward to when he clears the Labyrinth on Solo Mode.

I just really miss the art from chapter 1 HAHA it was beautiful, clear-cut and made Taesan look badass. He has a ... gentle? look to him now. his eyes don't look as sharp. he doesn't look as threatening to me, idk how to describe. but he's a cool guy and I quite like his character and story so I forgive it.

for anyone wondering if there is romance, no, there isn't as far as chapter 68 goes. this is one of those few where I hope there is no heavy romance involved. I usually don't mind it in series because honestly the MC needs it lmao but Taesan doesn't seem to need a companion as of now. This might change, who knows, I haven't read the novel so i don't know. but I'm enjoying his solo journey and hope it stays that way for a while.

THATS HER EXCUSE ?? AND NOW SHE'S COMING HOME WITH A MAN LMAOOO bruh you know everyone is giving her side eye like this is what you were after huh. I'm embarrassed for her bc she's trying so hard but everyone knows. I almost can't keep doing this, but I'll be back

I cringe so hard every time a FL goes above and beyond to make a situation happen. they always do extremely awkward ploys that everyone notices and makes them look crazy

like how is she gonna explain why she ran out to chase this guy?? for what?? she's a married woman, it would look weird no matter what. she knocked into him, went inside the same store and then chased after him?? like giiirl, you said he's always there. go another time lol even if she knocked him out what then?? run to the store and bring back the mage girl and say, "I ran after him and saw he was unconscious" ??? I'm sure there's obvs a way this will all work out but until then, cringeee haha

karossi created a topic of Leave Room For Love

really brave of that twink to go up to that big ass taekwondo fighter and tell him to leave his brother alone. like a chihuahua barking at a mastiff lmao


I'm a little bit scared bc when the artist draws them grown up they seem to have drifted apart and found each other again and I'm like,, IS THIS WHERE THAT BEGINS?? PLEASE NO.

btw I'm not even sure if those extra tidbits of them grown up are canon or not !!!!! The artist might just like to draw angst and that might not fit into the story I don't wanna scare anyone lmaoo

karossi created a topic of Leave Room For Love

this is why they do that whole separation of twins in school. To give each one a sense of "self". Always being compared, mistaken, shoved as a single entity can be so damaging. I sincerely hope for our boy that his brother wasn't a complete creep