Im not gonna lie i sometimes also find myself shocked at how shes the same person…the way she acts before and after felt like she has two personalities or something. It would have been better if the transition was more “natural” or had some reasoning to it. Her motive to change isn’t really clear to me
Maybe it was love? I guess? It just seems so abrupt. I just dont see a clear reason why she needs to do it considering that they believe the brother’s story is fiction.
If there was a part (at the beginning) where she got scolded or experienced the consequences of her actions It would have flown better…. THAT is a better wake up call to change your ways rather than simply doing it so she wont get hated by her crush.
Its good to know she’s actually a villainess though, her path to redemption just feels a little bit weak and forced to me

for the first time ever the father shows more affection than the daughter does lol if only he wasn't out of the country all the time we could have seen more of their father-daughter interactions. He was the only one other than serene im that household with a sane mind lol
also how the hell did the first prince endedup liking serena when they... killed each other in the past?

sorry but if acting wssnt my passion anyway i would quit right then and there as soon as i see that its robbing me off my ACTUAL happiness likeeee
money cant buy my time with my partner nor can it buy off the netizens opinions... it really would just start to get troublesome. Although if i was chiaki i also wouldnt want my bf to quit a succesful job just because of me
well whatever i dont know where i stand at this point TT stories focused in this industry is SUCH a headache

okay despite it being axed im really glad that the "ending" isnt actually a real ending to the story, it leaves space for a future. The problem is still there and nothing has been resolved yet. Im glad the author chose to end it this way, it gives me hope that it'll come back soon enough. If he had wrapped this story up in ten chapters with how the story was going everything would have definitely sucked. the author clearly had a vision and bro did not choose to sacrifice that
she's def going through some survivor's guilt or smth like that. knowing that a friend who had immense luck lose everything bcs she got roped in with her must be terribleeeee.
The fact that their bffs too makes things worse lol. Its no wonder this kept her alive for so long
or maybe shes jst built different
Probably both