I had really high hopes for this story but... I'm definitely disappointed to say the least ( ̄∇ ̄")

For me the whole Muzan dying was too easy.. he got beat by the sun ultimately and Tanjiro becoming a demon was too short.. it could've lasted a little longer but I think I'm still satisfied if next week really is the final chapter.. just these 2 bits were kind of anti climactic

I feel like the story had some loose ends. It doesn't feel...complete? There wasn't much room for character development outside of "**** died so I must uphold their honor". We learned a lot of backstories, but we didn't get to k n o w any of them. We also never got to know the deal with Zenitsu's sword. There weren't really any epic training moments, and after the deaths of the first few characters It got old and seemed like they were being killed off for shock value. We also barely learned anything about the other sword styles. Compared to other manga, this one was rather short lived. It had the storyline and setting and everything, it was really great and an enjoyable read, but then they suddenly caught Muzan and a bunch of people died and it's over. It just feels like this story only dipped it's toes into the plot that was set up, instead of diving straight in. I enjoyed the manga, but I still can't help but be disappointed at the abrupt conclusion. Thx 4 coming to my TedTalk

I completely understand your dusappointment. I feel like if it weren't for what's happening in the world and the backlash Goutoge got from the initial Tanjiro death the series would have continued a little bit longer. It did seen anticlimatic BUT emotionally I was satisfied petsonally. So many emotions. I just wished we saw more of a challenge from Demon Tanjiro!!! But overall i adored this series so much

Yeah Tanjiro techincally died from blood loss before Muzan transferred all his cells into him but Gotouge was getting a lot of backlash/threats from fans who were unhappy with the deaths. Which was COMPLETELY uncalled for. Gotouge even made an apology to the fans....
I would have been/was shattered when it seemed he was dead (cried for like a week), i feel like I'm part of the minority thats actually grateful for the character deaths/consequences of the realistic injuries they recieved. There weren't cop outs until the very end....

I agree so much with this! I had hoped that when Muzan transferred his blood cells in Tanjiro and turning him into a demon some part of Muzan would have survived and continued living in Tanjiro after Tanjiro turned back to human. Tanjiro could have gained Muzan's memories/consciousness etc (maybe some slight "Muzan-like" changes in Tanjiro's personality) and still have his humanity and being his own self after waking up from the inner battle between "turning to a monster vs. holding onto humanity". That way we could have some larger scale story about the origin of the demons, I wanted to get to know Muzan even better! Yes, we have had a lot of information before, but I want more, couple of chapters of Muzan alone, not just the demonslaying fights and his twisted desire to become the perfect, superior being. I wanted to have the complete story of the villain, to see Muzan as a whole person through Tanjiro's memories.
...I keep my hopes up, we still have one more chapter but... I want more, I need answers and I agree, there is still a lot of loose ends

That is just wrong. Something similar happened with (hm, was it with Tokyo Ghoul?) , mangaka HAD to rush things/change the story just to please the audience after receiving so much hostile feedback. It's sad, to think that instead of getting to tell your story to the world you need to compromise and apologize the masses EVEN if the story you had created is awesome. I really feel bad for Gotouge :< I love the story, it's great, I have laughed and cried so many times but I wanted more

*ahem "Once upon a time in a far, far away land of Westeros was this fellow called Eddard Stark who thought that the unofficial rule of not-killing-the-maincharecter would save him from decapitation. Annnd the poor guy also thought that he was THE mc, little did we know..."
Yup, it happens ┐(´~`)┌ But when talking about manga and anime, I can't remember e.g. Isao Takahata recieving any threatening letters after the movie Grave of the Fireflies came out so... As an author, you can't please everyone but everyone should (at the very least try to) respect the author's choice
I feel like this weeks chapter was shorter then usual :(
same... ╥﹏╥