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SinD June 5, 2021 2:49 am

not the crappy translations- like i wouldnt even be upset if there was even a little bit of thought put into these and tweaked. like aroused? no

    helvetica June 5, 2021 2:59 am

    Yeah, XD luckily, I know English and a thesaurus, so I can replace anything that seems weird lol



    would make more sense lol

    Azollae June 5, 2021 4:03 am

    True HAHAHAHA I had to reread for a sec. A better wording for it may be "I got too worked up"

    I doubt the translator had any editors and proofreaders under their team that's why we have this kind of quality released.

    helvetica June 5, 2021 4:05 am
    True HAHAHAHA I had to reread for a sec. A better wording for it may be "I got too worked up"I doubt the translator had any editors and proofreaders under their team that's why we have this kind of quality rele... Azollae

    I’m about to go and email them to let me just proofread their translations so I can at least change some of the words and wording lol XD

SinD May 12, 2021 12:49 pm

i just started rereading this again, so correct me if I get anything wrong. I hate the way this manwha treats depression and suicide. The entire family shames the old girl for being suicidal and depressed. They say she's lazy, and hurting the people around her. this narrative reminds me of some of my older relatives mindset on mental health. They think of depression as an excuse, something you can just fix. Like oh you're depressed? Stop being lazy and get better. Even the story does this by emphasizing how gloomy the old girl made everyone else by being? depressed and suicidal. And how bad she was for it. It just feels very judgmental of people with depression.

    Baby May 12, 2021 12:55 pm

    I agree 100%

    aidenbw May 12, 2021 1:07 pm


    Bunniesace May 12, 2021 4:12 pm

    I agree but it would also be accurate for the era wouldn’t it? Stuff like that wouldn’t be well known/ common sense to know at that time. I think she’s actually kind of lucky considering if the brothers and father didn’t care she’d be doomed, she wouldn’t be able to get help because the children are essentially owned and if she were tell someone the family could simply say she was mental retarded or ill and no one would question it.
    Ok I shut up now, thinkin too hard about it and stuff lol but yes it is unfortunate how anxiety and depression n stuff is approached

    ice frost May 12, 2021 6:39 pm

    It is not like I’m making light of depression and suicidal. In fact, i agree with you about it that The mental health is still being disregarded at present. However, just that the noble girl is being manipulative of the prince to get what she wanted because she loves him and that is not good also; it is just that the way the prince handled it in rejecting her and her family’s attitude about her is the bad thing. Her family should’ve taught her how to handle rejections because not all the time everything will go there way because they threathened someone with her life. Teach her Fairytales but with a dose of reality. Please don’t be offended. I just want to point out that the noble girl has also her faults.

    SinD May 13, 2021 1:03 am
    It is not like I’m making light of depression and suicidal. In fact, i agree with you about it that The mental health is still being disregarded at present. However, just that the noble girl is being manipula... ice frost

    nono, you're right. I just haven't gotten there yet. thanks for pointing that out!

SinD's questions ( All 5 )

SinD June 1, 2021 2:38 am

u can follow topics without commenting on them

    Gloomy June 1, 2021 2:41 am

    Finally someone said it

    Psycho June 1, 2021 2:48 am

    or we can comment something random and crush the hopes of others on getting a decent reply.

    Gloomy June 1, 2021 3:28 am
    or we can comment something random and crush the hopes of others on getting a decent reply. Psycho


SinD April 25, 2021 10:59 pm

does anyone have any shojo recs like lord of the sun? like the vampire part

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