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Animal- Lovers, Ears & Rears(96) 2024-05-03 0
Bully!! Semes and Ukes alike!(33) 2020-01-03 0
Live in lovers(19) 2017-04-04 0
Supernatural(32) 2019-06-15 0

Kuinshi's topics ( All 949 )

Kuinshi February 18, 2025 1:22 am

Why would you make her vanish with her thinking her parents wanted to forget her!? You couldn't have waited 5 more minutes!?

Kuinshi February 17, 2025 11:01 pm

Wifey time comes back in full swing!!

Kuinshi's questions ( All 40 )

Kuinshi July 15, 2021 3:53 am

I just read 283 chapters of Skip Beat. I used to read it 8 years ago but left it alone because of the slow progress, rereading it again and I forgot how full of drama it was. I've got a tension headache now because that series kept me on edge for so long. So back on the bookshelf even though I finally reached the "love confession" stage. And am I the only one who feels like the art style is slightly different now???? Like it changed around 260 or something...

Kuinshi March 16, 2021 10:07 pm

1. It is well designed and organized.
2. It is easy to navigate and has multitasking search engines to find what we want.
3. It is very secure and does not blast me with porn ads or scam pages.

    Nonickname March 16, 2021 10:11 pm

    So. True

    Herecomesmrpickle:O=3 March 16, 2021 10:23 pm

    Same and you get to have your own profile and add to the list what you’ve already read or going to read which makes is to much simpler. And the updates they give you on the mangas your following. It’s the best manga website!!

Kuinshi's favorite ( All 2 )

my guess 01-11 01:22
Why you scribble out dicks!? (= Π =)/ 01-22 05:21

Kuinshi's message board ( All 1 )

Kerrrr September 4, 2017 6:04 am

I better just send you this msg instead of posting it of the front page, it feels weird otherwise. Anyway I'm sorry it's happening to you then. I'm not really knowledgable in mental health issues for THAT reason, now I know it has a name! I've avoided reading about this stuff because I know I won't be able to get it out of my head and it will just add to the neverending excesive introspection. Funny how I came to know it, a manga site (of all places). I often hear from people who don't know the extent of my issues that making ultra informed decisions and thinking a few steps ahead is a good thing, but hardly anyone realizes thinking 13000 steps ahead doesn't leave you much time to actually do shit and I'm just stuck in a loop of second guessing everything a few dozen times over. None of the meds I've ever taken have helped with this things and I just got into psychotherapy a few months ago so there isn't a lot of progress so far. I honestly, truly, REALLY wish you the best. I hope you don't spend way to many hours of your life thinking how cavities are forming because you couldn't brush your teeth for a couple of hours like I often do, lol.

Kuinshi September 5, 2017 4:05 am

I know how you feel. You always feel guilty when a choice you make goes wrong. You tend to over think everything which is why you want stay informed and know what's going on with you but at same time you wonder if this will just make you psychoanalize yourself more. My hyperawareness ocd actually leans toward sensorimotor functions. So mine is a bit a constant cycle. Good to know there is someone closer out there who understands. I wish you the best as well.

I never add anything I haven't read.  
Despite what it says I just forget to rate it.
 And yes most of it is yaoi.

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