Mika says it straight to Yu that Shinoa is in love with him, and his reaction is so.. nonchalant. So like theres no playing the “stupid protagonist didn’t know the girl liked him even though she’s so fucking obvious” card. Like he genuinely does not care at all about Shinoa or her crush on him. And though it’s pretty funny, if the end pairing doesn’t end up being YuMika but instead YuNoa it be so so weird.
YuNoa have just lost any of the small little ounces of chemistry that they barely could keep up at the start of the manga. I’m really could care less if a MC het ship in shonen is canon, but here I genuinely rather would have Yu actually fucking die and end up with 0 bitchess and 0 Mikas than have him end up with Shinoa

Lowkey feel like the author is doing a retcon of his crimes. Like I do think that at first he was planned to be an unredeemable monster (i.e why they expanded his crime list to be a serial murderer of rising stars at the beginning), but once the movie arc started, I really do believe that Aka Akasaka just.. retconned Kamiki’s crimes..
I think this was done because it is quite literally extremely simple to end the story and the Kamiki arc with him JUST accidentally killing Ai and feeling bad for it and possibly either repenting or something rather than him accidentally killing Ai and then a whole school bus worth of women for no fucking reason and feeling bad and repenting.
Like.. they really did go hard on his tragic backstory for him to just end up being completely unredeemable. Which you don’t really do at the END OF A FUCKING STORY JUST BECAUSE??? So I do think theres gonna be change to what he is guilty of. Then again, we only see him murdering one woman.. for no fucking reason. It really is just assumption that he killed other people, not counting indirectly killing the pedophile fuckass woman and her husband (and obviously Ai indirectly)
Also, how old was Kamiki when Ai was murdered? I assume he was in his late teens, since Ai was in her early 20s. So I will take what he says about him not actually wanting to kill her and just being stupid as hell (which did lead to her death) as the truth.
Bro the two caretakers for Marie keep catching strays for no reason wtf
fr!! like leave those baby's alone man they haven't done shit