does Jumin Han is gay May 4, 2020 1:49 pm

what a nice and cute kid-

does Jumin Han is gay May 3, 2020 5:04 am

Yo wtf just happened I’m confused

does Jumin Han is gay May 3, 2020 5:01 am

Bitch really put a GPS on that doll

does Jumin Han is gay April 30, 2020 2:14 pm

Truck.. she already isekai'd, there is no need to isekai her again

    MangaMeOtaku April 30, 2020 3:04 pm

    This is the best comment of all time!

    Jeong-Hui April 30, 2020 3:07 pm

    I literally don't know whether to laugh or cry with that comment of yours

does Jumin Han is gay April 28, 2020 9:51 pm

aight lets kill the king

does Jumin Han is gay April 28, 2020 9:39 pm

I hate the princess- she is annoying.

Author, just give us shounen ai and we will be fine ╥﹏╥

does Jumin Han is gay April 28, 2020 8:16 pm

any raws?

does Jumin Han is gay April 27, 2020 8:47 pm

we murder dillion at dawn

    Bleurgh April 28, 2020 1:42 am

    Uhm I kinda have a hard time with mornings and such so I will be a bit late, just save me a piece, just a small one is fine, thanks

    rose April 28, 2020 1:49 am
    Uhm I kinda have a hard time with mornings and such so I will be a bit late, just save me a piece, just a small one is fine, thanks Bleurgh

    is an ear okay

    Bleurgh April 28, 2020 2:09 am

    That's perfect!

does Jumin Han is gay April 27, 2020 2:44 am

this girl-
i. love. her

does Jumin Han is gay April 26, 2020 7:42 pm

I'm dropping this lmao

Villainizing a character even if they haven't done anything bad isn't my cup of tea. Please do tell me when the author stops making the villains characters with NORMAL flaws. Thank you :)

    Gyosob April 26, 2020 8:21 pm

    I personally don’t see it as villainizing and more of just creating tension between characters derived from misunderstandings. But you have the right to drop whatever manga u want, it’s ur time sis

    Nim_say April 26, 2020 11:08 pm

    Actually I don't think they're are villainizing him. Jasper even wanted to fake fight with Miley so he can see if she will catch feelings but William just misunderstanding the context of Miley and jasper

    Ayyyy April 26, 2020 11:25 pm

    Drop it no ones stopping you :)

    does Jumin Han is gay April 27, 2020 2:39 am
    I personally don’t see it as villainizing and more of just creating tension between characters derived from misunderstandings. But you have the right to drop whatever manga u want, it’s ur time sis Gyosob

    Aight sure, let's say the author wants to create more tension, but the characters are seriously taking this WAY out of proportion.

    Let's put this situation from what it looks in this universe.
    Random boy has a crush on your friend, random boy interrogates you, random boy may have approached you a bit roughly, you accidentally get your clothes dirty and ripped, you blame it on the random boy, you tell your potential boyfriend that your clothes being ripped were the random boy's fault and that he was very rude to you, you then say "oh it fine haha uwu he didn't do anything that bad", potential boyfriend gets even madder, and you are seen as the uwu boy who is so pure and can't hurt anything.

    Now, how actual sane and smart highschoolers would act.
    Random boy has a crush on your friend, random boy interrogates you, random boy may have approached you a bit roughly, you accidentally get your clothes dirty and ripped, you don't blame the random boy as you are a sane and smart human and you know that he probably thinks that you have a crush on your best friend because of how clumsy and not lucky you are, you tell your potential boyfriend that your clothes being ripped were fault of your unluckiness, you go on with life.

    If the author wants to put tension with William, then make him actually do serious things that are bad and would happen in the highschool setting that the author created. Like I said in a previous comment/topic, William ain't it.

    does Jumin Han is gay April 27, 2020 2:40 am
    Actually I don't think they're are villainizing him. Jasper even wanted to fake fight with Miley so he can see if she will catch feelings but William just misunderstanding the context of Miley and jasper Nim_say

    Thats Jasper, only Jasper, literally everyone else wants to murder him.

    does Jumin Han is gay April 27, 2020 2:41 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! ## soy

    In my opinion, I don't think the author will make them be friends, if they do you have all the right to prove me wrong.

    does Jumin Han is gay April 27, 2020 2:41 am
    Drop it no ones stopping you :) Ayyyy

    Yessir, I just dropped the webtoon :)

    Ayyyy April 27, 2020 4:57 am
    Yessir, I just dropped the webtoon :) does Jumin Han is gay


    Gyosob April 27, 2020 5:25 am
    Aight sure, let's say the author wants to create more tension, but the characters are seriously taking this WAY out of proportion. Let's put this situation from what it looks in this universe.Random boy has a c... does Jumin Han is gay

    It really isn’t this serious. When teenagers are upset they might say things they usually wouldn’t say, the main character slipped up and then corrected himself, it’s totally reasonable, just like it’s reasonable for ppl to misunderstand imo.

    Also characters don’t have to stab someone or fuck the mc’s dad or do anything else awful to create conflict. Just like in real like people can fight due to misunderstandings. But again this isn’t real and it’s a story so why get so worked up over smth so minor.

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