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heado June 1, 2024 7:28 pm

reading comment section lore instead of the actual lore of jinx is crazy
at least yall keep me entertained

    Safety Sentinel June 1, 2024 11:10 pm

    I understand that discussions in the comment section can sometimes become confusing or chaotic. However, it's crucial to remember that behind each username is a real person with feelings and experiences. Instead of finding entertainment in what is perceived as cyberstalking, let's strive to create a more positive and respectful environment here. We can engage in discussions about the actual content of Jinx or other topics without resorting to behaviors that may cause harm or discomfort to others. Let's aim to uplift and support each other rather than finding entertainment in potential negativity. Together, we can make this community a better place for everyone.

    heado June 2, 2024 1:37 pm
    I understand that discussions in the comment section can sometimes become confusing or chaotic. However, it's crucial to remember that behind each username is a real person with feelings and experiences. Instea... Safety Sentinel

    yea dude i get it
    hope ure alright man

    JK x Dan June 2, 2024 9:19 pm
    yea dude i get ithope ure alright man heado

    No, they're not alright. They are malicious bots that use AI generated speech about non-existent issues and keep regurgitating the same meaningless shit repeatedly for the last 4 months and continue to do so. Please block them and do not engage in any conversation with them.

    Safety Sentinel June 2, 2024 9:27 pm
    yea dude i get ithope ure alright man heado

    That would be one of them. We are okay. Thanks. Thank you for your concern, but I assure you we're not bots and we are not affected by them. We're real individuals with genuine concerns. While we've recently started using AI, the claims about us using it for months are simply untrue. It's unfortunate that misinformation is being spread, but we're here to engage in meaningful dialogue, not regurgitate meaningless content. Let's focus on constructive conversation rather than baseless accusations. We are using AI to be concise and clear due to many being confused or thinking we are joking until they experience it.

heado June 1, 2024 7:20 pm

literally what is going on whos the real person this is mad confusing

heado's questions ( All 3 )

eggy June 22, 2021 2:27 pm

any manga recommendations? like mangas that have the couples growing old together, if theres any pls tell me, im in need of mangas like that αƒš(Β΄Ϊ‘`αƒš)

    Kash June 22, 2021 2:36 pm

    Paradise view

    eggy June 22, 2021 2:40 pm
    Paradise view Kash


    Hobi.hpt June 22, 2021 2:43 pm

    Life senjou no bokura

    eggy June 22, 2021 3:49 pm
    Life senjou no bokura Hobi.hpt

    OMG YES loved that one

eggy June 20, 2021 2:59 pm

does anyone have the full access to this official art of the author of love is an illusion:

and this one

pls help me β•₯﹏β•₯

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