Idk i js cant root for yacchan cuz when i see them together all i see is two ukes

that’s actually what i wanted the whole discussion to be about; why “all you see is two ukes” and how that makes the couple less valid than others. and yes, not rooting for and not seeing it working out is kind of the same thing; you didn’t root for them as you don’t see them working out.
but anyway, not going to talk further if most responses are variations of “it’s not that deep bro” which, i mean, topics don’t necessarily have to be deep to talk about, but i digress. don’t worry, i wasn’t pressed even if my wording may come off as harsh sometimes! i’m sure you’re cool.

Whens more chapss

I found the authors twitter (i have a way when it comes to finding the twitters of both Korean and Japanese authors lol) and saw that the author stated the last volume of this story was going to be released on Oct 25. She didn't say the individual chapters but like the whole thing. So I think the English officials just haven't caught up yet