Karps's experience ( All 0 )

Karps's answer ( All 1 )

Karps 28 03,2020
Hii!! Im 14 too!! Id say im pretty trusthworthy and loyal and oh boy i go crazy for all shoujo that's usually historical, but i do read modern one's too (mostly on mangatoon and webcomics), but historical is all mangago almost. I'd love to find new friends and people to talk to!! im knkv235 on snap and karmevn on insta!! ლ(・﹏・ლ)   2 reply
28 03,2020

Karps's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did sleep more

Permanent sleep, good good *nods head*

8 hours
did getting to know asian people

I'm Asian :D

8 hours
did online classes

I need them to come back. I've been struggling with offline classes ever since they started again cuz I got so used to online ones

8 hours