is he going to fuck the dad? if that happen will that count as being gay and cheating?
well, it seens that jaguars werecats are going to become extinct (rio was the last one because his father and uncle are gay) XD
this is a kyuugou manga so expect a super unhealty relationship, till the end where everyone forgive everyone just because
wow, chapter 6 was terrible,
umm why everythng just go like super melodramatic again?even if the seme is not the most sensitive person eveer i dont think he is doing anything bad
timeskip, my thery is that yujiro is still alive int he prestn world and maybe tanjiro too
is this like a super cpy of tower of god?
Just bcuz they use similar concept it doesn't mean that its a copy ._. There's a million webtoons, mangas and novels that use same concept
i didnt read this webtoon yet thats why i was asking, if its not a copy then ok i the only one or this is getting incredibly boring
Tbh it is somewhat but I just read it to see where the relationship goes otherwise I only read it after a few updates (*´ω`*)
I feel you. I gave up for now. Maybe come back after it ends
Me too
im looking this for the porn, but i dont like the firts couple, coodependence is not good for anybody, and the brother didnt help much eather, well i like his relationship more
thats nice, sadly i took soooooo much time to get good
that’s why i have a strong love hate relationship with monthly mangas
is he going to fuck the dad? if that happen will that count as being gay and cheating?