CANG CANG REFERRED HERSELF AS QI LIN'S OTHER HALF!!! !! I WILL NOT SHUT UP ABOUT THIS!!! SHE CAN EASILY SAY AH SHE'S MY SCHOOL MATE WE ARE BFFS :)))) BUT NO!!!!!! CANG CANG SPECIFICALLY SAID "IM HER OTHER 50% CUP" they are married. confirmed. no i will not take anything else. psychic lady knows this too because she used the red string she borrowed from the god of marriage
qi lin "our future is written by us :)" and im SOBBING!!! !!!!!!! COME GET YALLS JUICE!!! !!!!!

with more chapters uploaded theres a bit of clarity with why lil girlie over here is being too harsh on miss bodyguard. jealousy? but to whom? is she jealous that erika is close to her dad (dad complex)? or the same thing but in a different way that erika shouldnt just listen to her dad because of "orders" because as her wirds say "beloved"? it's so so spicy i love it!!

i love it i love it. we see how qi lin's ma breaking down because of the failed marriage. we've seen qi lin and now we see the mother's pov. the husband begs for her to leave the career to take care of the children. but what does she get in return? a husband with another woman and a child that has bad grades.
what i love about this chapter is that it validates the feelings of both mother and daughter. cang shu consoles qi lin in the previous chap because she understands. mama cang consoles and reprimands qi lin's ma because she understands. WHO COULD BETTER UBDERSTAND THAN SOMEONE WHO HAS GONE THROUGH THE SAME THING
the deep truths dropped by mama cang like not passing your unhappiness to your child and the child didnt ask to be born is an eye opener for qi lin's ma. but what can a housrwife do? with little experience and no skills? mama cang comes to the rescue yet again and asks her for a favour. i love that mama cang embraces the future and teaches her fellow single mother the same. you have you and your child. even if it's just you, youre still a family.
based on cang cang's memeories shown about mama cang, she went through tough times as well. husband not paying attention to family, swamped with taking care of her child and the elderly, balancing all that with her work. i imagined her to be so strict (she is/was) but more of an unapproachable way especially based on the first phone call of cang shu missing qi lin and mama cang goes "no no no frends for u" so seeing her acting so kind towards not only qi lin but also her ma is a huge 360 for me. cang shu takes that from her ma, thats for sure.

okay wow that went from im gonna kill her husband to im gonna fuck her on the dining room table mfkdhdjsl
very very curious with ji ah's unnie and the connection with the husband. she honestly wants to murder him in cold blood and yrt we have to see why. anyway poor wife tho getting tossed aside like that smh

saeha honey im so so sorry. honestly her words "so just take what i give you. im good at giving" FUCKED ME SIDEWAYS is this hoW lovesick fools are? too blind to know whats too much and how to step back?? GOD
okay juna ur divorced three years ago. good for her. the trauma really. from the babu to the husband to the in laws. the chives one hurt too much. imagine not eating or smelling a particular thing because she remembers!!! TRAUMATIC!!!! it's been years and it's only now she's realizing how much yunseo love/d her. thr last page was devastating i mean okay i was rooting fkr saeha but that doesnt mean it should hurt like this mfkdhdhsl
saeha honey im free on a sunday
so so so many death flags but IM HOPING FOR THE BEST OUTCOME OKAY
god dr arden and how she tenderly kisses dr lee..... i know she basically confessed after the whole dilemma of hyunkok but it's so so so so so satisfying to see dr lee reciprocating after all this time!!!! KISSES SHARED WITH THEM ARE NOW SOFT AND TENDER!!!!!! jinhee with her words "im always on your side" with dr arden mirroring the same expression to dr lee is sO FUCKING SOFT...... dr arden is so open with her affection really. i will not shut up about her kisses to dr lee. do u... do u see.. .. do u see how she just.... sMOOCJ... ... and dr lee in previous chaps with her wiping dr arden's sweat so so so tender. ... so so soft.. .. like shes askimg herself wHY IS THIS WOMAN SO DRAWN TO ME??? ??? GOD
en e wei. kang and park hope yall laugh ur last laugh the doctors are in and are about to put u to a coma