BUT as a medical professional (not a doctor, I'm a nurse)
rule #1 do NOT operate on people who you know!!! You will panic and MAKE MISTAKES!!!
rule #2 dO NOT feel responsible for everyone who passes in your care. Took me a while to learn this but it's not healthy and will fuck you up mentally
Also side note I totally misinterpreted tamponade as torsades and realized I need to study my cardiac shit more (▰˘◡˘▰)

Babes idk if y'all understand I know we're kinda all in our own bubble, but for some people that's their legit reaction. As a queer woman I am by no way saying that it's okay or good, but some of y'all are acting like it's not realistic.... It is. What's interesting tho is the organization being accepting, but maybe author is going for a "good and bad to every side" vibe

Tbh I couldn't agree more with you.
As a queer man myself living on a very misogyne and homophobic country, knowing that korea is just like that too, I think ppl are giving opinions based on their view as a part of more liberal countries.
I'm not saying that those attitudes have to be excused, but we need to keep in mind that those actions are normalized in a lot of countries with nore close-minded population such as Korea.

i mean i live in the states and it's still a reaction that im familiar with (my family's accepting but some of my friends aren't as lucky). ppl who act like it doesn't happen that way r like,,, yeesh. idk if it's ignorance or innocence but either way it's shitty to dismiss it as fiction bcz for so many people it isn't. also the organization being accepting isn't all that surprising to me ?? i mean for one if their boss is ok with it then everyone else kinda has to be but also places full of people who've been outcasted by society tend to be some of the most accepting in my own experience.

Ok I absolutely love the first ending, like SHE STOOD ON BUSINESS. She said if she was gonna kill anyone it was gonna be the serial killer!!! But wHY TF DID HE COME BACK DAMN IT!!! THE TURMOIL AND SELF RESTRAINT AND ADHERENCE TO MORALS??? BEAUTIFUL!!!! WHY HE HERE!?!?!? AND TF HAPPENED WITH ANNE??? why include the sides with her and blue bell and with leo of its some random fucker??? I would have accepted her choosing leo after seeing the girl in the throws of someone else or her fighting her bi-phobia demons bUT SOME RANDO??? WITH NO EXPLANATION????
Damn that art changed beautifully bUT THEY DE-AGED THE OLD MAN!!!! (30 isn't old, but like they started him looking older and got rid of it) :( but I do like the proportions much better now ngl