THEY R SO CUTE. I feel his ex is about to do something to make them misunderstand eachother also ML should take some time to heal, I know Mc is not abusive but he still needs to heal and learn to not be scared of certain things
I want dohwa to be the ml so bad he still loves her as for eunhyuk im still waiting on the reason but im afraid they might pull the amnesia card.AND THIS IS OFFICIALLY WHERE THE LOVE TRIANGLE STARTS AND SHE ENDS WITH ONE im not ready
I hope that eunhyuk begs and chases after her so DONT BEG HIM and act cold towards him pls HAVE A BACKBONE(HES SOO FINEE) but still wanna see him chasing arc
stories where the plot/MC s didn't annoy me, some might be cliche but if written well, it's here
tailored to my preferences and will delete if the story becomes annoying
if you follow my <FLUFFY & CUTE LIST> there is a little overlap that you might recognize
* I just realized a lot of you are actually following this list LOL thanks guys!
I also want to reread these to see if I still like them/edit descriptions when I have time
for the horny girls who like to imagine themselves having sex in the olden days
It’s really good story dealing with emotions but they all need help poor Dojun, I hope he’s able to heal himself
can someone please recommend like a list of reads im so bored and can’t find some good ones
Can someone spoil me what happens next
Does penny leave and the real daughter takes over and what about callisto how does he react