I literally had to force myself to read this. I wanted to drop it in Ch. 1, but the memes were good, so I kept going. This manga made me so angry and mother nature decided to grace me with her "oh so pleasant" company this week so my irritation triggered an onset of cramps. This was literally so bad that it caused me physical pain. I feel bad for those who had to translate this. Save yourselves. ┗( T﹏T )┛

This rant will possibly have some spoilers and I'm sorry but I'm just so confused! This left me with like all questions UNANSWERED! The seme Kouda was having...nightmares? I guess about his married friend Takahasi which, honestly that whole thing made no sense to me.
At first I thought they were dreams of hin playing rugby with Takahasi, but then it sounded like Takahasi got hit by a car or something? Like WHAT?! Explain sir! That little memory did not help at all! Then, Takahasi has this creepy cult family and his baby girl look like a grown woman with possible Benjamin Buttons or something and I'm just like...WHAT?!
Kouda is CLEARLY a stalker and the Uke is so insecure that he finds the behavior endearing and I'm just like, okay serious, are we going to get any actually details here or is it just going to continue to be shallow like this? I want to say this was low-key toxic but truthfully... I just don't know. This was confusing af...
I did get a good laugh from watching Kouda sleep on the airplane though. That was funny af.
Can we all agree that EVERYONE in this story sucked (including the sister) and that NOBODY was likeable cause whaaaaaaat???
Agreed, I sat here saying wow for the last 5 min after each revaluation. I think it would be best if everyone went their separate ways. This love is most definitely cursed and fucked.(⊙…⊙ )