Finally a harem where the MC does it with multiple people willingly. Honestly why is that so rare, it's not that serious.

Lol, yeah I know, I mean I'm still reading and enjoying this story, cuz obviously it's not real life and the story is fun because it's fiction
I just personally find it important to not misidentify consent cuz while I'm sure you know the difference, there are people on this site (and other's like this one who genuinely don't and I don't want those kinda dangerous ideas to have any extra footholds :P
But I do agree with the sentiment behind your original comment :>

That's fair lol
Tho I will say that I wasn't referring to children reading this at any point lmaoo
There are genuinely people on here that actually think that just because their partner is "clearly enjoying it" by the end, the act is consensual and for them that logic carries to real life
I don't mean to police your morals by any means, more just exclude those kind of people from as many places as possible
(And I do agree that lately the comment section has been a nightmare under almost any comic and it really sucks)
What a great quality read. So rare. Good story and plotting, glad we got the ending.