I kinda wish that it would’ve ended that Yoon could see that both him and Sangwoo basically had the same objective to be in high power and not looked down upon. I thought Yoon would’ve made a master plan to free Sangwoo from having to sell out his body to other men, not to sell himself to Yoon. They both had similar objectives but they couldn’t see that and it led to a bitter end. Honestly if they had just worked together, they wouldn’t had been taken advantage on. The story had no resolution, it honestly ended when it finally reached the climax of its story. It basically ended with Yoon being manipulative and ended up becoming the people he despised, Sangwoo proceeding to sell out his body, and Taejun jobless.
(It’s also kinda funny how the rating went from a 9.1 to an 8.8 real quick after the ending)
Bruh they’re so stupid but I love them so much, this whole chapter made me burst out laughing so many times and just overall really happy