its been mentioned that the duke had to learn how to beg to get rosalite back from his in-laws and i hope they have a sidestory for that. is rosalite's mother dead from childbirth? illness? are they divorced? also, who's rion's mom? since both rion and rosalite resemble the duke, rion's mom probably where he got the purple eyes.
i'm also curious why the diamonte family are apparently under house arrest? well, louis and benjamin only but i wonder why?
i find the dynamic of the roxemburg fam with the brown fam really cute. all the brown brothers seem like a pseudo older brother to rosalite then we have aster who is rosalite's pseudo child (who is mentioned as being 'raised' by rosalite).
so the reason crown prince theodore/teodor fell inlove with rion in canon was because he resembled the main character from his fave book? he's better than all the other people falling in love with rion if that's the case but still creepy.
i find it really cute that since jack favors glenn over rion, he protects him his dynamic with rosalite is cute too. him trying to rationalize her and her doing the same but at the end both of them doing the stupidest shit ever
ages are as follows:
rion: 15; almost 20
rosalite: 16; almost 19; 21 currently?
glenn: 20; 24
theodore: 24; almost 28
4 span princess: apparently older than theodore? probably early thirties
first prince (eyepatch dude): older than 28 currently, might be in his thirties (rosalite mentioned him having two marriages by 28 and he's been mentioned to be a two time divorcee)

i... actually don't like that this has romance?
it would've actually been better if the ml, crown prince and a bunch of guys liked her but her eyes are on the prize i.e. getting a way back home.
also, not mc wanting to go back and wanting to not disrupt the og villainess' life but still deciding to form a relationship with the ml so is she still planning to go back or will she stay? it's nice she's trying to teach the people who bullied and belittled the og villainess a lesson though.
i initially though that i would like the ml since he's similar to nines but i actually got tired of him just being overprotective and sometimes lowkey crossing boundaries with the mc or maybe that's just me?
i find myself pitying the crown prince a little though since he actually didn't want to act romantically at times with the mc but then it seems like he gets hypnotized and forced to propose to the mc. i though the mc would address it or ask about it since crown prince mentioned that he only realized he proposed when the ring was in the mc's finger.
the ml....at the start he actually had nothing going on with him? then suddenly he had minions and got all sort of things going on. though i appreciate the glimpses into his backstory.
i would actually like a spinoff of the og villainess and the saintess having an adventure together.
ngl, if i was just an npc in the plot of this story, I'll probably think Jesse, an enemy prince, was doing SOMETHING. And with how visibly close he seems to both the Crown Prince and Lady Sarnez, people gotta speculate.
Also, the characters grew hotter ( especially the emperor) but the animals become ugly