blackFujoshi101 want to do ( All 1 )

have sex

blackFujoshi101's experience ( All 0 )

blackFujoshi101's answer ( All 18 )

I litterally never say this online to anyone but please kys you little fucking bitch-ass pussy. How about you say this shit off of the screen yourself and go to gym you ugly, ornery, miserable offspring of a deadbeat crackhead-Neanderthal you call a parental figure. Maybe if you got out of your shit-stained, cockroach-infested trench and picked up ......   reply
26 09,2023
Im kimda confused. I lean mostly to pansexual by like 58% but i also lean to asexual 42% bexause ive never really been sexually attracted towards a person b4 :/ LEMME HEAR IT 4 THE CONFUSED SQUAAAADDD ヾ(☆▽☆)ヾ(☆▽☆)   reply
17 01,2021
There are more times i feel like an S than an M peobably because im very tall and brawny for a girl my age. I like the thought of me taking the lead when having sex (with another girl tho) sometimes :). But i also like thw thought of being punished by like a guy bigger than me which is probably unlikely... 0_0 So id say 75% S and 25% M   reply
08 01,2021
I only got crushea from anime and i had a bunch in the first anime i watched which was kill la kill. I liked the main character, Mako, that guy with the Mohawk forgot his name, the big guy forgot his name and the hacker guy forgot his name. I forget names easily lmao... The 3 crushes i still simp over is Rohan Kishibe from JJBA pt4, Goemon from t......   reply
08 01,2021
America YEE YEE   reply
08 01,2021

blackFujoshi101's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did listen to a song on repeat

I wanna be yours (✧ω✧)

41 minutes
did being obsessed with someone

i love u kazuki (*ᴗˬᴗ)/ (maybe obsessed is bit of a reach but i rlly love his vocals and hes my pfp everywhere so)

12 hours
did meet my favorite mangaka

my favorite mangaka is purple kiss the kpop group and theyre coming to my state soon im so excited i hope i get to go

15 hours