Like each chapter gave a warning of everything that was gonna happen in the story, sexual assault, murder, rape- at this point my eyes glaze over this stuff and just say "fuck it" because I'm genuinely curious where this story is going. Is this going to be a classic trope of even though the top violently rapes the bottom, the bottom ends up falling in love with them basically forgiving and forgetting every horrible thing done to them, or is this going to actually have a storyline of growth, escape, and true freedom?
Also I don't really mind blondie, will he probably be a problem in the future? For sure, but dude did save our MC from being continually raped with that old dude, and he wants to try and save him from Creeper McCreeperson. He has the foresight that he won't be able to overpower the guy and knows he's not equipped with anything to save him besides them both leaving. Also I don't blame him for being scared I think if I was in the zombie apocalypse I wouldn't even die from a zombie I would die from fear or falling into some random death pit