The fact that in repeating myself isn't important-

My boy never got a stable family or even wife,, so his view of life would've be already really twisted but no,, he educated Blanche in a really good way viewing this circumstance,, I'm sure that he'll be a very loving & caring husband when he'll go thru the trauma..

Ngl I didn't expect him to be affected this badly, to the point of not even being able to touch the opposite gender (i thought that it would only be if they're too intimate or when triggered),, my poor boy..

But yeah, to all the person who wronged him in the comments, y'all can see that he actually do his best, he try his best to protect Blanche even if he seem cold bcuz he don't know how to show affection, and he warned his wife right at the beginning, he told her that he couldn't touch her etc, but the villainess loved him in a too twisted way.

Just because he's a man doesn't make him an asshole, he had every right to despise the OG villainess, but y'all made him a bad person because of that.

Y'all can't say that y'all "didn't know" because it was clear that he had issues & felt really guilty when he treated badly the FL, even apologising for it.
2021-07-22 12:59 marked
Y'all are so insensitive wow.

Y'all treat better a FL (who was just not pretty & mocked for being thick) who transmigrated into a VILLAINESS BODY, whom previously tried to kill multiple time Blanche, and excuse all of it by "the near death experiment changed me" (which is hella sus)

Rather than the ML who was RAPED & ABUSED all his life & had to one to talk to bcuz he's the king.
Then has to tolerate the bitch queen (he doesn't even know she's a new person PLEASE some of y'all would never forgive her ) that tried to kill his daughter Blanche (who is the fruit of his rape ofc he couldn't even abort it).
Suffering from PTSD & not even knowing that what happened to him isn't normal-

Plus we have a God point of view, but y'all don't even care & curse him damn if this isn't discrimination-
2021-06-24 13:14 marked
I didn't start the story yet but I've read the comments & spoilers..

Please tell me that even if she gave up on her revenge, she didn't forgive that mf white haired bitch-

Like, okay he had his "rEaSOns ".
But I don't think beheading her & treating it as a trophy then keeping her body at his home was really necessary.

Wanting to keep his fantasy, he thought that the best decision was to kill her ??
For her to be forever the innocent & pure lady he loved ??
Dying as a Hero rather than a Criminal/living him shame ???
Rather than asking HER what SHE wanted ????

He's just,, A BITCH,,, Idk how to curse him more but,, he's just a selfish creep.
I don't think there is another definition to describe that mf.

It's the first that I even hated a character this passionately even tho I didn't even start the story yet but I think it's understandable.

Which is why I come back with this question ;
Will she forgive or even pity him ?
Because I won't.
2021-06-14 19:41 marked
Are y'all kind of sad by the novel's ending ?
Because I AM.

I'm still not over the fact that they did my boi "Emperor Ji" so wrong..

They all got their happy ending but him.

Which is why I imagined that Wanwan had a twin sister !

Let me go into details for thoses that know the novel ;

Worthless Nie, idk how to introduce her but she was weak since young so her family didn't really was big faith in her.
& as she grew up she kind of became the troublemaker of the family,,
Weak but still wild, she learned how to fight in her own way (mind manipulation/hypnose) which she used to erase herself from his memories.

I actually forgot his real name bcuz it has been a while since I've read the novel, so I'll keep calling him Emperor Ji/Ji lol.

But anyway, she was the one that taught him how to use hypnose etc,, but one day he learned about her illness, and because she didn't want to see him depressed bcuz he couldn't find a cure to it,, she decided to erase herself for his memories, & everyone else at the same occasion, so no one will miss her.

& she replace herself with her sister (Wanwan) / (like how Wanwan's memories were messed up with & replaced) which mean that the 1st encounter Emperor Ji was supposed to have with Wanwan was in fact her's.
So yeah yadi yadi she continu her life alone/with the child she made with him (depend on what y'all want lol) she kind of find a cure of the illness she have.

And guess what ???
Because I love to do this, the cure is regular seggsual intercourse with someone with the same illness as her ! (Yeah ik don't judge me y'all can change the way of the cure).

And it's when Ji's illness come into play,, :)
They have the same illness,, & when she learn that, she came back revealing herself back to them (yeah ik she's shameless).

So she use the hypnose again to give him his memories back,, and do the same thru the same at Wanwan's wedding too,, (a surprise video on the screen, like Ji lol).

Anyway they remember, all happy doppy (y'all can add drama if y'll want lol like; why didn't u ask for my opinion before erasing my memories >:c) & ig they just continued their lovey dovey moment, when the twins meet again, the brothers in law that don't get along well so they fight which wife's is the most lovely, the 2 sons that can finally hang out with someone their level & just her hang out time with my others fav characters..


Aaah yes, Worthless Nie (my OC if y'all didn't forgot) appearance,, y'all can see her as Wanwan/Woriless lookalike but just with the palette inverted (White hair, red or pink eyes, like to wear black/red rather than white/blue..)
She have some tattoos covering her w/ kind of a lot of scars (yeah bcuz all my OCs has to have a harsh past lolz & because she was weak as a child she has to have them.)
And ig she can because strong later on bcuz I like when they're OP too.
2021-06-10 22:43 marked

"first, the kingdom that they were working to protect was already rotten to its core but MC was completely oblivious to it because Khalid fell in love with her "innocent" and "naiveness" so he prevented her from learning about the truth. But eventually, she found out after being captured by the green haired ML. She found out that the orders that she carried hurt a lot of people and wanted to repent so she decided to resign from her position and take the blame for her actions. Khalid knows that the kingdom is going to fall so he acts as a double agent for the current country that he works for. Since the kingdom was going to fall, the things she did would come to light and she would be forever branded as an evil person and would basically have to live in shame for the rest of her life (if they let her live). So he decided to kill her to try to maintain her "pure" and "righteous" reputation and have her die as a hero rather than a villain.

but this man had the audacity to kill her, cut off her head and show the king of the current kingdom to prove his loyalty. Then keep the rest of her corpse in his home because he loves her???? sick." [END SPOILER]

dude that's just creepy. to think that he's keeping her (headless) corpse in his least i know i won't be getting second lead syndrome.
2021-06-09 20:02 marked
So this is a big spoiler of the story if anyone wants to read it

You’ve been warned

They downplayed the goddess of light, she is a B I T C H

FL is the reincarnation of the goddess of lights best friend, who was a female wizard and loved the goddess like a sister. The female wizard was in love with the crown prince, who the ML is the reincarnation of. So their love literally travelled through the years.

NOW THE DUMB BITCH GODDESS was in love with the crown princes brother, who the black haired dick is the reincarnation of. He literally never loved the goddess but wanted her power and was using her AND THE GODDESS KNEW THAT. The black haired prince was in love with the female wizard and was pissed at the crown prince for having her love EVEN THOUGH he already had the goddess.

He decided to be like “oh goddess I love you so much but you aren’t human. Give me ALL your powers, and then you will be a human and we will live happily ever after” The goddess tells her wizard best friend that she’s gonna hand over ALL her powers to the black haired guy and the best friend was like WTF NO THATS A BAD IDEA why don’t you just give him some, then you can always return to being a goddess.

You know what the goddess responded with “YOU HATE THE FACT THAT IM IN LOVE AND WANT TO TAKE BLACK HAIRED GUY FROM ME” like bitch WHAT. So then she literally said the female wizard was a jealous bitch and ran away. But female wizard was a good friend and decided to go to black haired prince and be like “can you please not take all her powers it will hurt her” and he ran and told the goddess, and the goddess FLIPPED HER SHIT AGAIN cussing out the wizard friend about how terrible she is.

Case and point the goddess gives ALL HER POWERS to the black haired prince, and he locks her ass up in a prison cell and says “I never loved you I just wanted power so I could take over the kingdom” AND THE GODDESS IS STILL LIKE “but I love himmmmmm”. So while this is happening wizard friend and the crown prince are living happy and about to get married WHEN ALL OF A SUDDEN a huge ass devastating plague starts killing basically the whole empire. The wizard and the crown prince try their hardest to stop it, but her light powers aren’t enough to fight the disease. They try to save people but the crown prince ends up dying from the disease and the wizard is heart broken.

Soon the plague is miraculously stopped by the new crown prince, the wizard finds out that the black haired prince used the goddess’s powers to make A PLAGUE so that he could kill off the crown prince and his people and then pretend to be the saviour. The wizard is like HOW CAN U DO THIS, and evil crown prince is like “I did this for you, now I have power, I have the throne, and your fiancé’s dead you will be my empress” and she’s like wtf what about the goddess and evil crown prince is like “that dumb bitch only had powers, she’s ugly compared to you, now she’s weak and stupid I’m just waiting for her to die”

Evil crown prince has been trying to kill off the goddess for years, he literally set her on fire, whipped her, stabbed her in the stomach, beat her, and the bitch literally wouldn’t die because even without powers she’s still had the body of a goddess. Unfortunately the wounds never heal so the goddess looks like some grotesque monster now. Wizard catches the New crown prince destroying any information of the old crown prince and making it seem like old crown prince was the reason behind the plague which is a fucking lie. So wizard woman casts a protection spell on the last tomb that the crown prince is trying to destroy so there is Atleast some evidence of the truth.

She then tries to find the light goddess, and she does and she looks terrible, and the light goddess is like give me your light power so I can return to the gods place. AND THE WIZARD DOES GIVE UP HER POWER BECAUSE SHE LOVES HER BEST FRIEND, even though this bitch literally caused the death of her fiancé.

The goddess runs away and evil crown prince finds the wizard and locks her up, he wants her to be his empress and she refuses. He marries as shit ton of wives, and the wives are mad they won’t be empress and beat up and torture the wizard for years and crown prince now EMPEROR let’s it happen thinking she will finally break and marry him. Wizard thinks the goddess got away, well nope the emperor hunted the bitch down and seal her in the demon door place lighting her on fire for all of eternity until someone with light magic gets her out. So that’s when the goddess curse started, the goddess used what she could too write where she is and what happened on the emperors oldest child’s skin. It wasn’t painful or anything but it literally showed that he started the plague. Well the bitch wrote it in an old language that no one but the emperor and the wizard remembered. So the emperor literally just killed off every kid that got the words on them. he went through eight kids and the 9th kids mom (he had like 16 kids) went to the wizard (who she had beaten up before) ans begged her to ask the emperor to not kill her kid. The witch decided to help cause she’s genuinly a nice person

That’s where she realizes what the words on the kid said, and told the emperor to stop killing his kids and just tell the truth. Which gave the emperor and idea to Curse the kids, he used all of the goddess power to rewrite the curse into what it is today so instead of saying his misdeeds it turned into some mumbo jumbo about him being great and the goddess cursing this child that sinned the world. Which is where all the pain came from, that’s why the children with the curse suffer now because the emperor made it a real curse, this killed the 9th child and the 10th child now got the nee curse and would suffer until death on a far away island.

With using all the goddesses magic to change the curse it caused a backlash that hurt the wizards arleady fucked up body and sent her to her death bed. The emperor was all “I love you don’t die” and the wizard took off her necklace and asked the emperor to give it to her family. This is because the necklace could be used to open the door to the goddess to save her, but the emperor didn’t know that and actually gave it to the family which is why for years the decendents with light magic tried to free the goddess but the door got shut by the emperors descendants

NOW WE KNOW WHO THE FEMALE LEAD IS, and how the goddess and the evil emperor FUCKED HER OVER. FL literally finally finds the goddess after remembering her past life, and the goddess is all chained up and burning. She frees her and the goddess actually GOT MAD AT FL “why did you take so long to free me, you were supposed to rescue me, you aren’t my friend, you took to long” and FL just apologizes EVEN THOUGH ITS NOT HER FAULT. The goddess is all “this is because you fell in love with crown prince again hun, always leaving me for him” which is our silver haired ML. And the goddess then says “well we are going to kill the crown prince and his family to get revenge for me” and FL is like NO THE FUCK THEY DIDNT DO ANYTHING TO YOU “and the goddess is like, if you don’t help me I’ll kill you” and FL is like “kill me then just don’t hurt ML”

You know what the goddess does, SHE FUCKING KILLS HER. LITERALLT ATTACKED HER WITH MAGIC THAT LEAVES HER ON THE BRINK OF DEATH. Then the dumb bitch goddess is like “oh no I almost killed my friend” and decided to SWITCH BODIES with the dying FL because that’s the only way to keep FLs body alive after the attack. Now FL is stuck in this ugly ass, scarred up, burnt up, mutilated body of the goddess and is finally casted outside of the demon doors which disappeared since the goddess is free.

Oh and LIKE 3-6 (can’t remember how many) YEARS HAVE PASSED AND OUR RABBIT CROWN PRINCE IS 18. Female lead has been missing for years. Her body gets found by where the demon doors used to be, but she’s in the goddess’s fucked up body so no one recognizes her, she also can’t fucking talk either because the goddess screamed so much in pain for 500 years that her vocal cords are shut. So ML is very nice to FL in new body, even though everyone even her closest maids and friends treat her with disgust cause she’s ugly. She gets called a monster and genuinly suffers, the goddess comes to her and is like you’ll never be loved in that ugly body so kill the crown prince and I’ll give you your body back or you’ll die in 30 days. FL is like I don’t care if I die I’m not killing the crown prince. FL and ML get close despite how she looks cause their love transcends looks, and the ML is quickly realizing this is his love. The goddess gets pissed cause their love is real and not the fake love her had with evil emperor

So you know what BITCH GODDESS does, SHE COMES DOWN IN FL BODY AHHHHHHH. She pretends to be her and tries to steal the crown prince from the actual FL. Thankfully, the ML is not an idiot and didn’t believe the goddess for A SECOND he literally hated her. She tried to seduce him so much and he was just disgusted, and it made him realize the real FL was the scarred girl. The goddess has been working with black haired guy (evil emperors reincarnation) in order to basically repeat history. But ML confront the goddess and asks “if he died today would she finally forgive him causes he’s genuinly sorry for what she went through, and wants to end her suffering” dumbass goddess FINALLY realizes that FL AND ML are not the fucking problem, she and evil emperor CAUSED THIS WHOLE FUCKING MESS. She literally had so much hatred for the FL in both lives FOR NO REASON. So she gives him a potion that will return the FL body to the real one and makes him promise to take care of the FL or she will curse him again.

So FL who was dying because of the state of the goddess body gets the potion ans is put back into her healthy beautiful body and crown prince and her run to tell the emperor and the emperor is so happy. They all hug and it’s super nice, and the maids apologize to her for treating her bad while she was “ugly” but the ML KICKS THEM THE FUCK OUT. Anyone that was mean to her when she was ugly got thrown in jail or fired, it was hilarious. All these whores saying “we love the crown prince more than you” got called the fuck out by the crown prince cause he had THE RECEIPTS that they called him hideous when he had the curse

And then their life goes back to normal and that’s all I remember
2021-04-23 15:57 marked
Okay so spoilers!!!!!!

Like i said, the story grows dark and super complicated later, and it involves all three main characters and a few extra people, some haven't shown up in the manhwa yet.

apparently the MC is a reincarnation. in this world, they have a dragon god, and this dragon god cursed three of his children, one killed his lover, the other killed her son, and the last killed his parent (the dragon god, but only the human form) and they all three get cursed. all three also have dark magic.

the first and second are forced to kill again (the man to kill his lover over and over, and the mother to kill her son over and over, though in the og the son was sick so she didn't want him to suffer and killed him. also, this is kinda incest so I'm not sure if it was just looked over, but the man's lover is the woman, and he kills her because her heart moves on to someone else - the dad of the baby.)

So in this story, the Ml met Abel in the battlefield and brought him home. from the spoilers, he actually met a woman there who told him to take the kid, and if anyone came and said they remembered their past life, they're a danger to Abel so to kill them. This was Janus, child of the dragon god, who later reincarnated to Korea, then died there and awoke in the story as Ayesha with no memories.

here is where it gets complicated. in an alternate timeline, Janus and Hades have a kid, and that is Abel. Janus didn't want to kill her son however so she put him in a second timeline (basically, he's isekai'd) where alternate ayesha (Janus) and Hades take care of him. Ayesha remembers her past lives, and that's usually when the curse forces her to kill her son, so in this case Abel, so she asks the duke to kill her but he refuses to.

their world is also kind of in danger (the saintess who appears in the story meant to be a matyr to protect the continent or something, it's mentioned in the chapters so far that the MC's family intermarried so the saintess can wake again from their bloodline, it's her i think.)

oh, and the dragon god of course ended up cursing his children because of hades, technically. Janus fell for Hades, he left her pregnant, her child was born and she killed him to end his suffering, the brother killed her because she no longer loved him, and they kept reincarnating and doing it over and over. the third brother is actually the author of the story, and wrote it to recreate the world so the MC could try to break the curse so they'd be happy. as for the first child, i don't remember the name of his incarnation/og name, but he meets the MC and tried to kill her before she remembers as that triggers the curse, but of course it fails. I think it's Mikhail? though I'm not sure. he hadn't been introduced yet.

It honestly gets too convoluted for me, i only got this much from the spoiler thread, if you can make sense of most of it then you're smarter than me because i was left mostly confused. if you search name of the manhwa + spoiler you'll get it (forum on novel updates).

Anyway, it ends in a happy ending at least, the dragon god gets killed, Ayesha saves their world, the curse gets broken, and the three live and are together I suppose? I just don't think most of the above was necessary or if it was handled well, so i don't think I'll keep reading.
2021-04-17 18:20 marked
To answer many people's question int he comment: NOT WORTH READING!

Summary of story:
MC drugs and sleeps with ML because the villain girl causes MC's boyfriends death (indirectly). So she forces marriage to ML. Lots of drama happens as you expect but eventually ML comes to love MC while MC is slowly opening her heart to ML. But shit happens and ML is angry at MC blah blah blah blah. But then MC's grandpa (only person to truly love and understand her) dies. Before he dies, he tells her to let of revenge and be free. So she leaves ML and decides to start her own life. In the end the ML finds MC and tries to start over with her which she says she will try. THE END!

Kind of dumb story. Would've been better if author truly let MC just live FREE. Why must she go back to being with ML? I mean, does a woman always need to have a man in her life to be happy? I would've personally enjoyed a story where she lives alone and becomes free and happy with her new life. No need to go back to the toxic relationship with ML (even if she was the one who started it. There was too much hate, anger, pain, misunderstanding, etc. That it is not worth it to be back together with him.)
2021-02-05 05:29 marked
Hey guys, ik that my question may seem dumb for some of y'all but I am genuinely curious..

Like, I read a lot of comment hating on her family and I can't understand why y'all are hating on them so much ?
I can see that some of you not liking them but is all the hate & curse about them necessary ?

I know that they weren't able to take care of her but at the same time, she never talked to them about her issues ?

The timeline & mind of people are different in this world, based of the education they got, the grandpa has to be very strict & the boy & girl can't be really close.

There was this scene where the green haired brother wanted to talk to her and she literally smashed something on him making him bleed,, so it may be understandable if he never tried to get close to her again.

She never tried to defend herself when the stepmother accused her and the grandpa couldn't show favors to her just because she was her granddaughter, people with depression or other mental illness like her may just have been seen as crazy person in this timeline, so it wasn't at her favor either.

And because she didn't explain anything & because all the maids were bribed, there wasn't anyone to talk about the abuse she suffered.
And because she never tried to get close to her family, it wasn't as if they'll try to visit her either..
(Less checking under her clothes.)

It's not to insult the OG her or anything, ofc her family was in the wrong for never checking, but we can't defend all the past action either, they can't magically guess all of that if she never talk about it.
I'm sorry but this is a reality too..

I am going to give 2 examples :
"Death is the only ending for the Villainess" /
"When the Villainess Love" /

When in the 1st manhwa the OG villainess just wanted to be loved by her family & then they deliberately framed her & letting her be mistreated without saying anything, then yeah I'll understand all the hate & even support it.
But in this manhwa they truly didn't seem to know & were shocked to learn all the shits she has to go thru..

While in the 2nd manhwa, the OG villainess learned that she suffered for an incurable illeness, and rather than searching the pity of other, she decided that she will hide it and live her life fully has a villainess.
And she died like she wanted, thus was the consequences off her actions.
I took this example because the OG princess in this manhwa is kinda acting the same, (I'm not saying that they are the same), I mean, she decide to never talk about the abuses & thought that sucide will be the best option for her, that all..

This is really realistic because most of us in real life may think the same, not trusting the people around us & thinking that dying is the only way to escape.

Well I'm saying all of that but maybe the manhwa isn't that deep & the author has just shitty idea lol.


But in conclusion, other than negligence they didn't really did anything to her right ?
The only person I can see to blame is the father that never appear & the red hair bitch that was banished..

And sorry if there is mistakes, english isn't my 1st language and I tried to be careful about my words, my vocabulary is limited so I'm sorry If I seemed rude to some of y'all.

Plz be kind if y'all are responding & give me y'all opinion of why I should hate them.
2021-01-29 22:09 marked
The prince behaviour towards our FL is understandable, even if it was a shitty move of him to have relationship while being engaged, having a girl you don't even like harassing & stalking you is still annoying and may be traumatizing too.

She literally cursed him saying that he'll be her no matter what, because she got money & power she was able to force the relationship even if he didn't like her.
So of course the change of attitude all of sudden is suspicious.

Let's still hope that after all that they actually become friends rather than him being that kind of shitty character that goes "dammit she don't love me anymore lol so now I like her".

But still, having a whole change of personality, becoming nice & powerful & not wicked & useless anymore, if the Heawon was nice since the start, maybe he would like her, and if she didn't change the behaviour & stayed a psycho, maybe the current ML (Oraboni) would hate her too..

2021-01-25 11:52 marked

People hate Lucio too much but he really isn't a bad person. Except for making Patrizia queen because she's infertile, everything else was Rosemond's doing. Petronilla was executed because of Rosemond and Lucio didn't even know she did it until evidence proved otherwise. He's a great emperor despite his emotional disposition. Unless you read the novel, you probably won't be able to realize that.

Also let me point out that Lucio in the previous timeline was an affection-craving fool but in this timeline, he is more self-aware and in denial because he knows Rosemond doesn't love him. Although he didn't show it at the beginning, he was actually having doubts about her. This is because Rosemond also has memories of the past and her self-awareness of her past mistakes altered her personality. I'm quite sure she truly loved Lucio despite manipulating him in the past timeline but in the present, she's so focused on becoming queen that it became her downfall in the end.

The previous emperor (Lucio's father) was married to Alisa, the daughter of the most powerful Duke in the kingdom. But Alisa was infertile and at the same time the emperor's concubine, Janet, gave birth to an heir. As a queen who could not give birth, Alisa was basically useless so she decides to take Janet's son as her own. But the truth was that she just wanted to fuse her jealousy and abuse the kid; physically, emotionally, and sometimes sexually as well. Lucio grew up believing Alisa was his mother and didn't understand why she treated him like that. Days before his birthday, Alisa called Lucio to the courtyard telling him she had a gift for him (Lucio never once celebrated his birthday so he was excited). When Lucio arrived, Alisa threatened him to kill a person hidden underneath a white veil. He refused but then she began to beat him up until he gave in. With a sword she gave him, he stabbed the person under the veil multiple times. Alisa, laughing crazily, then reveals that she wasn't his real mother and that the person Lucio killed was Janet, his biological mother. At that time the emperor was away from the palace so when he came back, Alisa was dethroned from her status as queen and Lucio was never the same again.

(ROSEMOND - warning mention of sexual assault)
Rosemond is the daughter of a prostitute and a Baron. When she was 10, her biological mother was killed by the Baroness then the Baron took her in. She was treated like a maid and abused in the estate. At one point, her half-brother began to see her as a woman and so he raped her. Rosemond wanted to become queen in order to not only destroy the Baron's household but to also eliminate anyone who judged her for her commoner background. That's when Rosemond decided to "coincidentally" meet the emperor and share her painful story with him. Because of that, Lucio sympathized with her, and her plot to becoming queen began.

(by order of nobility: duke, marquis, count, viscount, baron)
Duchess Ephreny was the daughter of a Marquis and Duke Ephreny was the son of a Baron. When they were younger, he seduced her, spiked her drink, and raped her. When she became pregnant, she decided to marry him because she had no memories of the rape and was convinced she loved him. Keep in mind though, that Duchess Ephreny is a blood descendent of the Ephrenys so she has a general claim of all rights and wealth while her husband is only powerful because of his wife's last name. Soon after the Duchess bore a son and her husband went from Marquis to Duke. The reason he was able to gain such a high title was because he manipulated the previous empress Alisa. Because of him, Alisa began to hate Janet (Lucio's biological mother) which ultimately lead to her forcing Lucio to kill his own mother. Rosemond knows about this because of her past memories, so she uses it to blackmail Duke Ephreny.

There are 3 pillars in the kingdom. The chancellor of the three was the Dukedom of Oswins (empress Alisa's house). But because Ephreny manipulated the previous empress Alisa into committing treason, Duke Oswins secluded himself. This gave way for the Dukedom of Ephreny to climb to the top. Thus, Rose being adopted makes her a high-status woman of the empire, second only to Patrizia. Rosemond's plan is to become Princess of Ephreny, announce that Patrizia is infertile, and work to becoming queen dowager. She basically plans to become a widowed queen where she gets rid of Lucio after bearing his child in order to gain an immediate legal claim of the throne, through giving birth to the heir.

Patrizia and Lucio grow increasingly close especially when she sees Lucio hurting himself due to a psychological attack in the next chapter of the manhwa (chapter 48). They also keep coincidentally seeing each other in the garden at night, which is also where Lucio tells Patrizia about his past. This all happens while Rosemond went away to her parent's house so when she came back Lucio began to reject her because he started to side with Patrizia. Everyone who knew about his past would avoid or judge him, but Patrizia pitied him and didn't understand why he was so used to pain. He then falls for her kind and genuine personality as well as her capabilities as queen.

On the evening of the Nation's Founding, Rosemond is officially adopted as Duke Ephreny's daughter. Lucio and Patrizia are both close but awkward with each other, mainly because Lucio is starting to subtly act on his feelings by always being around Patrizia and constantly asking if she's tired or not (yes he's really falling in love with her and infinitely dumping that bimbo) but Patrizia doesn't know how to react to him. But while she's alone, Rosemond appears and suddenly talks about rumors of how Patrizia hadn't slept with Lucio yet. She then asks why Patrizia isn't pregnant yet and claims Patrizia could be infertile which makes Patrizia incredibly furious because infertility is a great taboo (see what happened to late empress Alisa) among the public. And with their culture (especially considering she's the queen) it defines her dignity as a woman as well. Patrizia slaps Rosemond a couple of times out of anger after she proposes they both have a fertility test to find out the truth. After the fight, Lucio pulls Rosemond away to talk. They argue and break up after Rose admits she was only making use of his trauma and that Patrizia would never love a man who killed his own mother.

Because of Rosemond's scandalous actions, the Council decides to have the fertility test but Patrizia refuses to take it. Lucio keeps desperately urging her to, but Patrizia doesn't listen because she was positive she isn't sterile. That's when she realizes why Lucio was acting strangely desperate. She connects the dots and finds out about Lucio's plan with Rosemond of getting a queen who couldn't give birth. Patrizia feels devastated and betrayed while asking him "How are you any different from empress Alisa?!" then leaves him alone. After returning to her palace, she orders her maids to find a perfume called stereen (?) and gift it to Rosemond. When Rosemond received it, she started using it a lot, thinking it was Patrizia's way of licking her shoes for mercy.

One evening, Rosemond enters Lucio's bedroom and makes Lucio drink an aphrodisiac in order to force him to sleep with her. At this point, Lucio is completely in love with Patrizia even though she absolutely hates him. So he leaves the room to restrain himself because Rosemond wasn't going to leave. By coincidence, he meets Patrizia outside. Seeing his state, Patrizia suggested he slept with Rosemond/maid/any woman in the palace but he didn't want to. So Patrizia decides to help him and they have their first night together.

Petronilla actually has memories of the previous timeline. Patrizia finds this out during Lucio's birthday banquet. Rosemond had changed the traditional birthday flowers to sage - empress Alisa's favorite flowers that by the scent and appearance, could give Lucio severe psychological attacks because of his PTSD. But Petronilla was able to change the flowers to amaryllis and exposes her past memories to Patrizia. Because of that, Patrizia finds confidence in finding a way to kill Rosemond. She was depressed knowing her efforts were wasted because she's infertile, but it became her strength because she realized that she finally had nothing else to lose.

Petronilla has an important role in helping Patrizia expose Rosemond. Because of her, the truth about January (Duke Ephreny's mistress) conspiring with Rosemond will be revealed. In the end, she manages to steal the letters Rosemond sent to January in order to provide them as evidence in court.

Patrizia is confused with her feelings after sleeping with Lucio, so she goes to her parent's home for a visit. On her way back to the palace, she's ambushed by assassins. Patrizia had purposely exposed the fact that she was leaving for her parents' home so she already expected the assassination to happen. And according to the plan, Patrizia has the royal guards save her while she purposely slices her arms and legs with a knife for better effect and to cause an uproar among the people about someone trying to harm the queen. When she returns to the palace, Lucio says it was Rosemond's plan because he heard her talking about the assassination with her maid. Rosemond is again sentenced to execution and Lucio whole-heartedly agrees with it. She tries to get Duke Ephreny to save her but Patrizia and Petronilla had compiled Rosemond's letters to January and sent them to Duchess Ephreny.

The Duchess's son with the Duke had died because of the illness so the Duchess was mentally unstable. And after returning to the empire and reading through the letters about her husband raping her, she kicks January and the Duke out of the mansion. So Rosemond then has no one to save her from execution. Days before her death, Patrizia confronts Rosemond about what she did to Duke Ephreny, January, and basically all her crimes. Rosemond claims she would survive because apparently, she was pregnant with Lucio's child. Patrizia then exposes that the perfume she gave Rosemond as a "gift" before had contained chemicals that could make her infertile. So Rosemond ultimately became infertile as well. After that, Rosemond is killed without delay.

Patrizia tells Lucio that she wants to step down from being queen. Lucio panics and begs her to stay. He always felt like he was alone in the palace but having Patrizia there made him feel like he wasn't (it was a very dramatic and emotional scene ngl. you could practically smell his mental state crumbling) In the end, Patrizia stays in the palace because (1) Lucio, as emperor, wouldn't let her, and (2) it wasn't that simple to just stop being queen.

In an effort to appease her, Lucio asks Petronilla about things Patrizia liked. Because Patrizia liked sweets/chocolate, Lucio asks the chef to teach him how to bake. He then keeps sending sweets to Patrizia that he baked on his own.

Petronilla tells Patrizia to stop staying in the past because her mission to save her family is complete. Petronilla admits that she did love Lucio (in the previous timeline) but it shouldn't stop Patrizia from loving him in the present because Lucio loved Patrizia and she wanted Patrizia to finally live happily. This is when Patrizia decides to accept her feelings for Lucio. Coincidentally that night, Lucio had another psychological attack. Patrizia goes into his room to comfort him and tell him she accepted his feelings. They slept together for the second time, but as lovers.

Anything after that is very fluffy husband-wife moments with Lucio still baking sweets for Patrizia from time to time. There's a scene during Patrizia's birthday banquet where she sees Lucio being seduced by a woman who wanted to be queen but he harshly rejects her. When he realized Patrizia saw him with the woman, he adorably tries to explain the situation frantically. They end up dancing on the balcony, having a steamy kiss, and also watching the fireworks together. Patrizia then, for the first time, tells Lucio that she loved him.

The last chapter of the original story is about Petronilla and Rothesay's wedding. Lucio and Patrizia are attending but in disguise. Other side stories after the main story are about (1) a coup de tat in the previous timeline after Petronilla died, (2) Rothesay's POV when he met Petronilla, and (3) Lucio and Patrizia's family life.

Patrizia and Lucio's family life is about Lucio being forced to choose a concubine in order to produce an heir because Patrizia was "infertile". Patrizia agreed to it but Lucio knew she was hurt and always cried a lot because the one thing she wanted was to have a child with the man she loved. Lucio promised she would be his one and only queen. When Patricia went to do charity, she met this old guy claiming he knew her and asked to see her later. During the concubine selection, Patrizia chose Lady Petunia among the candidates but she turns out to be another bitch that belongs to the street who openly insults Patrizia in front of everyone. Lucio then defends his wife and puts the bitch right where she belongs. Before Patrizia reselects another candidate, the old man from before arrived and exposed himself as the physician who conducted her health documents during the queen selection. Apparently, he heard Rosemond's plan in choosing the queen, so to save his daughter who was one of the candidates, he messed up Patrizia's fertility results.

Patrizia and Lucio then do the deed a lot of times (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ in order to make babies. Lucio joked about having 10 kids but Patrizia laughed saying it was impossible for her to give birth for 10 straight years. Lucio suggests they keep having twins to limit it to 5 years lol. One month later Patrizia is confirmed to be pregnant. Lucio kept feeding her berries and they kept being lovey-dovey.

Time skip 7 years later their first son Dylan wants to sleep with his mom. Lucio says you only sleep with someone you marry so Dylan says he wants to marry Patrizia. Lucio gets annoyed (cute) so Patrizia tells Dylan to sleep early and get tall because she likes tall people. Lucio has the AUDACITY to feel proud because he thinks he's pretty tall lmao. The three of them end up sleeping beside each other. Dylan then asks how babies were made and Lucio tells him if he wants a brother he should let him and Patrizia "hold hands alone". After that night Dylan keeps giving them time alone (⌒▽⌒)

Another time skip, Dylan has triplets as younger sisters; Regina, Ressie, and Raine. Lucio by this time is already in his 40s but Patrizia still describes her heart beating fast when she's with him despite them being together for 20 years already. Patrizia says none of the emperors throughout history have been as good to their queens as Lucio was to her. But maybe Dylan would break the record and Patrizia was really proud to have him as her son. Lucio also gets jealous since none of their children wanted to marry him, including his triplet daughters. All of them wanted to marry their mom.

The next night it's Patrizia's birthday and she's surprised with gifts. After opening them, the children tell Lucio and Patrizia to kiss. They kissed and lived happily ever after. The END

If you have any questions, feel free to ask. The spoilers here are only the main events in the novel so I skipped out on the minor details that didn't affect the plot drastically.
2020-11-30 01:32 marked
Are they all idiot ?
It remind me of the manga with the guy who wanted to reincarnate to have the strongest mark on his hand but when it happen demon take over the world and lying saying that the strongest mark was the most useless and that the weaker mark was the one chosen by god lmao
2020-07-29 18:00 marked
I read the novel a long time ago, so many things may be confusing or not true after rereading but MOST OF WHAT WILL BE WRITTEN HER WILL BE TRUE SO


Well the Prince (Cecil) will experience all kind of emotions and he would love it, but after that he'd rather being with Tia with some emotions lacking than living a fake life.
He will break from the bird illusion and the birdie will die saying his last wish.
Like, the birdie take a human form & was crying, asking Cecil why he won't be with the heroine..
He was a good and loving animal until his last breath, all he wanted was for his master to be happy, so I kind of feel bad for him..

When Cecil wake up he'll see Tia trying to shave her head (forget why but for make up for her sin or something related to him it was kind of funny).

The ""Heroine"" will be judged but at first she thought that she was calling for something good (yes stupid until the end) she would still denied, grabbing her father in the mess by being rude to even the king (if I remember correctly), she still wouldn't understand why a heroine like her should be banished.
But after that Cecil talk about her death bird she kind of understand that she messed up.
He'll give her the choice to go to 2 church but said that if she wanted to her birdie to revive it would be better if she go in the church farther (it's a lie tho he just wanted to get rid of her).
I think that it's her that she's kind of started to change because she chose to go to the farther church for the sake of her bird.
(Idk if I change some things but I'm pretty sure that it went like this.. Sorry my memory is kind of fuzzy bc it's being a long time since I read the novel..)

He (Cecil) will ask later to his father what's his problem with the lack of emotions & interests he have on things and his Father the King will say that it's something in rapport with his bloodline from the 1st King.
The story was that The 1st King was a guy like him, who was a genius but didn't have interest in anything but a girl & war.
I don't remember well but I think she was his childhood friend too ?
Anyway he'll go in a lot of war to become a ruler but even after this he'll go in a lot of unnecessary war just bc it was interesting (bc he couldn't prevent things & it was exciting ?..)
But the girl will later menace him by choosing war or her and he'll choose her, marry her & make her the 1st Queen..

Tia will explain to him why she absolutely want the heroine to end up with him and no one else.
If she end up with anyone else, he'll find interest in something else (normal), like war, weapons (remember when she didn't want him to take to much interest & be careful of explosive things [fireworks] at the festival)..
Ah yes, I remember that the neighbor's country was preparing for a kind of war or revolution(?), so there was a story of, if the heroine end up with his lil bro and make him the King, it would be cool but not in the long term, because of his kid behaviour he wouldn't become a good ruler..
There's a story of when the heroine got kidnapped too and bc he didn't have anything else to do, he'll directly go to search for her and then disappear..
(=war bc ppl take advantage of his disappearance)
Either way, if he didn't end up with her he'll be unstable and it will cause a war or the ruin of the country (many problems in the kingdom later)
And yeah if he find interest in war he'll be like the 1st King but wouldn't have anyone to stop him..


Let's jump from 2 years after this ceremony, during that time he'll get really bored but it's okay, he waited.
And then MARRIAGE !
Yes we can get to see them married, and Tia wanted to have a marriage like the people back in earth, with some last minutes preparations our Prince could give Tia all things she wished for her wedding.. (even if the people find it shameless at first they end up doing the same things or asking recommendation from her later for their own wedding & she'll end up being a kind of CEO of marriage organisation)
I am not going to spoil what happening to the wedding because too many sweet things happening !! ><

Kuro and Zeno ship is real !!
They'll have a baby TT
P.S: No Zeno isn't a pedophil bc Kuro take the form of a sexy woman at night to seduce him kkk, she just don't have enough magic to take this form during the day bc she is a dark spirit))

And finally Tia will first have a boy with him, Cecil will be jealous of his own son, knowing that he had the same problem as him, (u know the bloodline issue, it was supposed to be rare but his son kind of got it too).
Anyway, his son will too, take interest in Tia.
So yeah he had to be wary of his own son because more than that, Tia wasn't even aware that her child was twisted, bc this one could just faking his emotions by imitating her TT
But later on she'll have another baby, and it'll be a girl. The son will be a little annoyed by her at first bc she couldn't stop crying, but after grabbing his finger, she directly stop, this is when he find that she was "interesting".

The last panel will be on Tia & Cecil daughter screaming at her brother saying that because of him, she couldn't find any marriage partner and him nagging at her that she didn't have to find one + the happy family laughed together mocking her _(:3」∠)_
2020-06-03 23:57 marked
Guys if you really want to know the whole story you can read in the app which is in the google play store. It's called NovelReader and is 100% free. There are 2161 chapters. It's completed. In the app you will find it as Hidden Marriage. But for those who wants I'm going to write this story in this comment! The most important events and how each character ended up in the end. Still I advise to read the novel, because I'm going to write only the important things and it's really exciting to read this story myself. I hope for some it will be a motivation to read the novel. Okay here I go ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ

Okay then. As you all know Ning Xueluo(step sister) will cause various problems to our Ning Xi(female lead) in the industry. Actually Ning Xueluo doesn't really like to be an actress but she said she become one because that was Ning Xi's dream. She is greedy and wants everything that Ning Xi has. She thinks that everything of the Ning family is hers and she is the heirless of the family. She even tells that Ning Xi is wild chicken(because was rised in Tang family, Xueluo's real family) and thinks of herself as phoenix which is the exact opposite. She stole Ning Xi's personality and regards it as her own. There will be many scandals regarding Ning Xi cause of that bitch schemes. The Ning family is actually keeping in secret the fact that Ning Xi is their real daughter. As everyone know Ning Xueluo tricked our poor Ning Xi to lose her virginity with a stranger (she hired two gigolos to rape her) and got pregnant. The child was born dead because of the accident where Ning Xi was hit by a car. Ning Xi in the first place didn't know she was raped, she thought she slept with her boyfriend at that Su Yan(Xueluo fiancee). He discovered what Xueluo did and decided to hide truth with her, because he thought Xueluo was poor and pitiful(as hell, such a moron, seriously he truly deserves what he got). He told Ning Xi that it was him that night and when she got pregnant she thought it was his child thats why she didn't abort it. In the end the child died because of that car accident and Ning Xi was left with trauma. Her father said she was a disgrace and send Ning xi aboard for 5 years and got Xueluo and Su Yan engaged. Ning Xi came back to become the Movie Queen/Empress it doesn't really matter which one you choose because she just wants to be the best actress ever. (๑•ㅂ•)و✧ She recovered from her heartbreak and become strong, brave and smart. Unlike her past self. Which was poor, naive and sweet. In the end one by one the facts that Xueluo is the actual step daughter (adopted) and Ning Xi the real one came to light. Before everyone thought Ning Xi was the adopted one. Ning Xi parents don't accept her as their real daugther. They were bewitched by Xueluo and hate Ning Xi just like Xueluo wanted. Eveyrthing that happened was planned carefully by Ning Xueluo to get rid of the real Ning family's heir and keep that postion for herself. She made Ning Xi who knew nothing about the high social life, embrass herself several times which made her parents regret taking her back in the end abandon her. They always take Xueluo's side and consider Ning Xi as the core of eveyrthing thats evil. Ning Xi after some time breaks her ties with the Ning family. She even says that her biological parents are not her parents. She truly hates them cause of all the things they did and how they never belived her. About that later on. The only people on the Ning family who cares for Ning Xi is her aunt and grandfather. Ning Xi had 10% shares of the Ning family and her aunty had the other 10% so Ning she as she had to interest in the Ning family bussiness, gave her shares to her aunt which made her the biggest shareloader. Of course Xueluo who got no shares was furious. It made some arguments in the Ning family. Later on Ning Xueluo got her father's shares 21% and become the president of the Ning familys bussiness. About that later on. Sooo after it came to light that Ning Xueluo done some shady things about everyones back, tried to frame Ning Xi. By the way there was so many cases where Ning Xi was accused of seducing someone that after some time when someone said that the scandalous news about her are busted up on the inthernet she asked ,,Who I seduced again?" She is so precious (≧∀≦). Anyway everyone knew now that Ning Xi was framed by Xueluo all the time and that she stole her parents and place in Ning family. In the end she had to end her career as and actress. She went out from the Entertaiment Industry. Of course during all the trouble she was supported by Lu TingXiao(male lead) in the proccess she become really close to the Little Treasure and TingXiao. She loves Little Treausure dearly as her own child. There are many sweet moments between Ning Xi and TingXiao. There was a time when she went to a party and while being drunk when she got to bathroom on the way she lost her way and entered a room which was a party for a real high social people. Of course TingXiao was there. When she saw his princess was bothered by some drunk fatty he got her and walked her off the room. Later on the fatty thought that he can gain Mr Lu's favor by giving him the girl he is interested in. He kidnapped Ning Xi, druged her and made wear some transparent dress, bilndfolded her and then called TingXiao. Of course when she saw her he went to her and then as he couldn't see she got scared and tried to defend herself. TingXiao got really horny seeing her like this but he endured his desire and helped her. When he said it was him she was to relieved that she started crying. Later on after bath she decided to tell Lu TingXiao her story. As he loved her and wanted to be with her. She said everything about the rape and the child and that after that she was traumatized to the point when she never slept with any man she dated with. Her first time was painful and it made her hate men. It left her with huge damage both on the body and mind. She even said it's better that the child died back then, cause she wouldn't how to face him. TingXiao said he doesn't mind any of that and loves her anyway. Ning Xi found one time a man on the streets in anither country which criticised her clothes from the firm named History and said it was so incomplete. Later on it was said that the man was the original designer of all the best clothes of History and was betrayed and his work stolen. Ning Xi took this man to China and estabilished a studio which she named Starlight, espceially for him. She promised to bring justice for him some day in front of the whole world. He was a genius designer and Ning Xi was his muse. Becuase after betrayal he couldn't design anything after meeting Ning Xi he got inspiration again. Later on, on the improtant events Ning Xi wore the best dresses of Starlight. Later it was said that Ning Xi looked like the dresses was made especially for her and looked like a goddess which was true. Ning Xi's carrer was going smoothly she was an excelent actress. She become TingXiao's girlfriend. But then appeared a female actress which claimed she was Lu TingXiao girlfriend and everyone thought she is about to be the futute Mrs Lu. Some time passed. On the ceremony of giving awards Lu TingXiao who always kept low profile appeared on the award ceremony and gave Ning Xi her reward. And later on said that he doesn't even know that actress who claimed to be his girlfriend. As the speech on the ceremony Ning Xi said she will still try her nest for the ones she loves. And then after some time the Lu family came to know about TingXiao girlfriend and weren't really pleased. They didn't like Ning Xi very much. I forgot to mention but actually Ning Xi's biological mother was a daugther of Zhuang family, a very powerful family who is involved in goverment and military. Of course becuase the Madam of Ning family wanted to marry into the Ning family even though the Zhuang family was against it, the Zhuang family abandoned her and vice versa. They broke ties. The children of Zhuang family are very talented in military arts. Thats why also Ning Xi is. The Zhuang family accepts Ning Xi and her grandfather loves her dearly. Of course some members of the family doesn't know she is theor relative but is still very close to them. There was a time when Ning Xi took Little Treasure to meet Zhuang familys members on shooting range. There when Little Treasure called Ning Xi mommy Ning Xi's cousin said that she is not his mother. Little Treasure got very angry. He took a bet if he can get 10 points then the cousin will say that Ning Xi is Little Treasure's mommy a thousand times. Everyone was shocked to discover that Little Treasure is also a genius in shooting like the Zhuang family members and he even resembled the members of Zhuang family. Even though the Lu family had no talent in military arts, thats why both Ning Xi and TingXiao assumed he had to got this after his mother. Thats when TingXiao got an idea. Little Treasure was very similiar to Ning Xi and Zhuang family. He didn't know who was Little Treasure mother. He slept with a woman only one time when he was drugged by his little brother 5 years back. He tried to find out but all traces were gone. And then the child was delivered to his door and left after being born. He decided to do a DNA test. It was positive. Ning Xi is Little Treasure's real mother. But he wondered how was that possible. Why Ning xi thought her child was dead and who delivered the child to the Lu family. How they knew it was his child. He decieded to investigate it. He told Lu JingLi(his little brother) about this fact and was happy that his sis in law was his nephews bilogical mother. Too bad the tragedy was about to happen. The Lu family didn't accept NingXi and tried to get TingXiao with a woman from some family which was the friend of Lu's. Of course TingXiao refused but his mother didn't give up. When they were heading somewhere they care was stopped by kidnappers. There was that woman, TingXiao's mother and Ning Xi and TingXiao. While that woman hold Little Treasure when kidnappers wanted to take him she gave him to them. Little Treasure was kidnapped. They blamed that woman she just gave the child to kidnappers. Ning Xi decided to go for rescue of her son. She saved him. But was shot several times while protecting LT. She got a head damage. She fell into coma. TL when woke up didn't say anything he had an empty look in his eyes. He remembered how his precious mother protected him and how much blood there was. He was like a doll. When TingXiao got LT to Ning Xi which was in a coma, Little Treasure's world collapsed when he heard his mommy can not wake up again. TingXiao said he must be strong for his mother and stay by her side to make her wake up. Then he started to eat and all but still was like a doll sitting by his mommy's side ale the time. He didn't want to leave her even for a moment. Lu TingXiao's parents felt guilty for wronging Ning Xi and were grateful cause she saved their precious grandson. They decided to let Ning Xi marry TingXiao. Later on it came to light that the family which wanted to marry into Lu family arranged all the kidnapping to get rid of LT, they came to hospital. Of course to check if the eyesores Ning Xi and LT were still alive. Because they stood in the way for their daughter to marry TingXiao. They wanted to marry her to TingXiao and siad the first thing they would do after marriage was to kill Little Treasure. Of course Lu family was furious. Then to the hospital came the Zhuang family who wanted to take Ning Xi. The Lu family was against cause they were going to take responsibility for Ning Xi. In the end after argument TongXiao took the grandfather Zhuang on the side and said they can take Ning Xi but along with Little Treasure. They couldn't be separated because it would cause LT a mental breakdown. The old Zhuang asked why would he take his illegitimate child with them. Then TingXiao told him that Little Treasure is Ning Xi's son. ut he should heep it a secret for now because they still don't know many things about it. The old Zhuang's heart melted and wanted to meet his gerat-grandson. When he came and saw the little heartbroken child he felt sad to the depths. When LT saw him he took a controler and then appeared a few defensive robots with weapon. LT was really angry that someone went into his a his mommy's little world. Old Zhuang said nicely that he will take his mommy to a better place to cure and will take him with them. He said come to great-grandfather. Then LT looked at TingXiao who nodded. LT slowly got down from the chair and hugged the old Zhuang. They went to the best hospital in the country which was taking care of the head of state himself. Ning Xi feel into vegetative state. She didn't woke up for 3 months and after that time doctors said the chance she will wake up are almost none. The Zhuang family said to TingXiao not to wait for Ning xi anymore. That they would forgive him and understand if he decided to leave her and thay they would take her of her to the end. Then TingXiao got a marriage certificate for Ning xi and himself. Later he said the Zhuang and Lu and Ning xi's manager to be their witnesses. He got on one knee in front of Ning Xi's bed and got a ring on her finger. He said he will always have a one and only wife which is Ning Xi. Even if she never wakes up he will take care of her for the rest of his life.

Okay guys i wrote so much and it took me 2 hours. Im sleepy and done. Sorry I will continue tomorrow. Let's say it's the end of part 1. Tomorrow I will write part 2. It's 3AM already jesus (≧∀≦). I will write the rest under this comment. See you!
2020-04-05 17:00 marked

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