Now that I know that Dan-I will end up with the white hair boi and not the blue hair I start to see all his jealousy lol

I know! I found this out a while ago, right when it seemed to be getting a little more romantic between her and the blue haired guy, and was so destroyed . Also if you click your comment then you can find edit and put in a spoiler warning because you NEED TO GIVE A WARNING, since this could potentially put people off this great story

Please don't. It really does makes sense that Jiho ends up with Dani, chap 22 is a huge evidence to the fact that unlike chunyoung, Jiho understands how Dani is and does not think he knows what's best for her unlike chunyoung who does (in a future chap). Honestly, give it time bcs even at this point Ruda is better than chunyoung

I would keep reading, but my ship sinking isn't the only reason I'm considering dropping this. While I understand what the author is trying to do, there are too many new characters to keep up with now. I can't even remember the names of the original cast. I honestly only like the twins and wish the author stuck with just adding those two.

Everyone cry A-Qing but they were all so miserable
I pity the boy, why didn't choose to change himself and live a better life happily with his new "family", even if he had to hide his true identity forever and be a friking moine all his life.. Those 2 "befriends", I really hope that's they can reunite

XY did change a lot. But it is almost impossible to change 180* with a shitty childhood he had. Maybe if some more years had passed. He knew SL would have ruined his position in the 'family' so he wasn't taking any chances. I actually think XXC would have given him a chance seeing as they lived so long together
Imagine that this will be Nezuko who defeat Muzan after turning back into a human because she's a genius and she'll know how to use the breath of the sun
Or maybe they should dance it together!! That would be so cool!