No more baby and child raising arc?... Sadge.
Them as babies were so fucking adorable like bro I need more than 2 chapters of the cuties(╥﹏╥)

Mika's probably a highschooler at the time of his babysitting arc for natsu so the age gap is probs around 15 or more. Tbh I also hope the age gap isn't that big and that natsu is the first one too fall PLUS they only get together when natsu is 18 since cause if not it's gonna give me the creeps... I've been reading for years so I'm used to age gaps and I low-key love it but not the ones where they knew each other since babies and the age gap is 15yrs cause those ones are just creepy for me in most cases cause like you literally changed their diapers(╥﹏╥) well that's just me and I've read way worse so I'm gonna give this a chance since I love this storyy

Damn, that's an extra ordinary confession if I've ever seen one XD

⚛Christ-san⚛ created a topic of Sankaku Twilight

The poor president being told things she doesn't want to hear XD
Also the fact that Miki's favorite food are gummy bears is the fucking cutest shit I've seen today like wtf?? How can he be this fucking cute??
Also I'm so glad that aoba let miki go easily when he realized that he was at fault for not facing Miki's feelings earlier before he thought he's gonna get stolen. He's so fucking real for actually being mature like damn a mature person in a yaoi manga? That's rare LMAO

Ok ngl I didn't expect this to be this wholesome. Like bro I was here cause of the title and art so I really wasn't expecting this much cuteness? XD
Uke was fucking adorable too!!

Honestly what I really liked about this manga is that they are liking people that are close to their age in their past life and not a kid. Like bro that's one of the rarest shit in mangas with reincarnation. In every single one I've read the mc always ends up getting together with a fucking child and it always disgusts me. If the 3 siblings does end up getting together with someone I hope it's when they're older and their partners are too. I'm so sick of seeing a 30+ year old man/woman in a body of a 10 year old having a 10 years old love interest and they're into the kid too, like wtf is this pedophile shit? Anyways I'm just ranting lmao. It's such a breath of fresh air reading something where the charas have the humanity to not marry a kid <3


Them confessing their love to each other at the bar would make me faint from the second hand embarrassment if I saw it XD
I mean like good for them but I have too much social anxiety to that lol. Also ex-boyfriend San seemed like such a good person I hope he finds someone at the bar XD
Also am I the only one who's sad that we didn't get a wedding scene? Like damn. Is this gonna have a 2nd volume or what cause I need itt

Ren might be a bit slow in the head for not realizing shit and being Gullible but he is cute asfuck. Also I'm just thinking but are inverted nipples actually rare? I always see mangas where ukes have it and every single time they're embarrassed about it. In my country it's quite common to have inverted nipples for men aswell as always having no shirt on for them so I always see it and nobody gives a shit so I never understood. Are the mcs just always really insecure about them that's why they hide it or are the people in my country just shameless? lmao. Personally though I won't really give much of a fuck if my partner would have them wether it's a girl or a boy but it'll probably be cute in my eyes??? Idk wtf I'm even saying I'm just going on cause my abdomen hurts and I'm dying from cramp XD

Stopping at page 60 for the night cause I'm 5% and don't have a choice but I really just wanna comment on the knights profile before sleeping lmao.

Geraldine gives such a huge big brother vibes and I love him for it. "Likes weekends" most relatable shit I've seen for the day. I rate his Floyen impressions 10/10

Owen is such my type sinsiemsieke. "Virgin" I can help you with that-- I mean what? Who said that? Not me. WE NEED MORE LONG HAIRED MEN IN PONYTAILS

Okay ngl Dylan is actually pretty handsome lmao. He's legit looks like a model and I really like his hair plus he seems like such a nice guy and gives me the bestie vibes aswell XD

Todd is such a cutie!!!!! I love how the artist draw his eyes every single time he shows up XD Also am I the only one who thinks he could be an mc of a bl Manhwa? I mean puppy personality, expressive eyes, cute face, plus he's an ENFP? Bro y'all cannot lie to me by saying it's impossible for him to be one XD

Castro and Howard are not shown much so I dun have an opinion about them but they are pretty cute too XD

Lastly Bormir. I forgot about him lmao. Poor dude got all of his self confidence destroyed cause of our hot daddy. He looked like the best person from the list back then too... It's ok pretty boy you'll find someone else soon!

Anyways that's all lmao. If you've read this far then thank you for putting up with my shit. Goodmornighternoon to y'all XD

⚛Christ-san⚛ created a topic of Dungeon Reset

Me yesterday be like: "I probably won't read it all. Imma just read from my bookmark till 160 probably"


Crying right now cause it ended with a cliffhanger.
Also I already knew that Hodoka(?) was going to be a real shady guy but his looks was literally my type so I didn't want to believe it. Now I just hope that rui did accidentally kill him.
My man is a fucking psychopath and I pity those girls that got together with him before and I sincerely hope that he'd never get the chance to do the same thing to others.
Hodokas dick should be cut off in my honest opinion aswell as all the other assaulters.
And I really really really hope that they report him to the police cause bro really needs to pay for what he has done. That shit needs to be beat up by other men(prisoners) in jail.

Based from my analysis.
Both of them are low-key sex addicts, wait scratch that, I think they really are. I dunno how much time has passed between every chapter but the amount of sex they're having Is a fucking lot. Also the logic of the duke is stupid. "Oh he mad at me? No problemo! I'm just gon fuck him and borderline(?) rape him instead of communicating like sane humans!". Jace's logic is also really stupid, "oh he fuck me forcefully multiple times? I love him tho". Also can we talk about how fucked up the Duke's addiction to fucking is? Like holy shit he literally tried to force himself on Jace while his back is full of blood cause of the whip wounds like wtfffffff. Also how tf did no scars even formed? And seriously? jace got away with just a fever after receiving those scars? After rolling on the ground, and getting rained on? Bitch if it were accurate his wounds would get hella lots of infections and he'd die. If he does survive THERE WOULD BE ATLEAST SOME SCARS. Anyways, even though there were so many sex scenes that it became meh the art is pretty good but like the sex was legit so tiring Like bro stop having sex after every other chapter wtf. Don't y'all get tired and have other things to do???
For fucks sake it's boring and I basically just skip the smuts. They're even fucking everywhere like wtf.
The only characters I truly love 100% is Noah, the older bate sister and Phil. Like bro Phil is such an understanding and caring person and also fucking funny. Pretty sure at the very least he's bi because of the scene where he said he almost came from hearing jace's moans lmao. The older bate sister whose name I forgot is also such a nice bestie lmao. I'm like so thankful that the author at the very least didn't make her a villain. Also I love how she wasn't looking down on Jace in anyway and she's still close to them after 5 years. Lastly, I'm sure I don't need to explain why I absolutely love Noah lmao. but I just gotta say that I really hate how even after 5 years his hairstyle is the same. Anyways I dunno why I wrote so much but I'm just not feeling it lmao. Would probably not reread this again. Gonna rate this 3.5/5 just cause It distracted me a lot and made me hate a lot of characters lol. I was literally screaming so much about how bullshit most of the scenes were

Being a "good neighbor" is just not enough anymore!After school, the third-year high schoo...

  • Author: KURODA Kurota
  • Genres: Romance / Yaoi

Being a "good neighbor" is just not enough anymore!After school, the third-year high schoo...

  • Author: KURODA Kurota
  • Genres: Romance / Yaoi


Somebody saying that their interactions are 100% straight is like someone saying gravity didn't exist before Isaac Newton figured it out.


Clicked this thinking it was Yuri cause of the cover art just find out it's yaoi, Arguably even better XD. Imma just put this on want to read though cause it's only 11 chapters and I don't want to read this just get a cliffhanger since I'm very impatient lmao

I honestly like this, it was really funny and all. If I was in this situation though I would've put some shits in a waterproof tight sealed bag before attempting to go to the other world lmao. Also I bet the sweeping there is gonna be crazy cause of all the hair everywhere XD

169 years old?


Im still kinda confused cause I dunno why so I'm not gonna rate this yet but I just gotta say that the art is too tier aswell as the sex scenes lol.

⚛Christ-san⚛ created a topic of Shishi no Odoriko

I read this in less than 30 minutes so it felt so short and quick but even then this was so fucking beautiful. No badly written drama, no second ml with no character, the old owner got punished for his crimes, and both of them tell each other they love each other. I honestly loved this a lot plus the art is gorgeous and the sex scenes were hot!! I will so fucking ready this again in the future lol