Delaria November 9, 2020 2:45 am

Why the hell are they acting like she's some felon? Capture her at the border? Really? She's an adult woman who can do whatever she pleases. Things like this always make it (the plot) horrible. I thought I'd give it a chance but this is one of my main pet peeves. Really creepy and at this point they're just stalkers. It makes me so furious that she can't live a peaceful life however she wants it without these people following her and trying to "capture" her. Like, let the woman live. They're her choices not yours. They're not your decisions to make. They want her to be a knight for life is what I'm getting from him saying "It'll be a national waste". It just makes me so sick that they're treating her like some runaway cat. Like she's their property. But if that's what you like to read I never judge. I'm just voicing my personal opinion. Please if you've read this far and have a different opinion than I do, tell me. Please. I need help trying to understand this.

    Delaria November 9, 2020 2:47 am

    And yes, I did put off reading this for this specific reason. And yes, I am still at the beginning on chapter 7.

Delaria November 5, 2020 3:06 am

I'm supposed to feel sorry for her? The people I feel sorry for is everyone she screwed over. She doesn't deserve that girl. That girl deserves waaaayyy better than the things that have happened to her smh. She doesn't deserve to be sad for her after what she did.

Delaria October 25, 2020 6:03 am

No one wants you bro. Get this fake ass FL out of here.

    Delaria October 25, 2020 6:07 am

    P.S. These are one of the things that don't need romance. They're good without romance. This doesn't need romance. Actually I think it may be trash with romance. Harems everywhere. There are literally already 3 FL candidates. Gtfo

    KreyaS October 25, 2020 6:20 am
    P.S. These are one of the things that don't need romance. They're good without romance. This doesn't need romance. Actually I think it may be trash with romance. Harems everywhere. There are literally already 3... Delaria

    I agree.

    Delaria October 25, 2020 6:43 am
    I agree. KreyaS

    Thanks I'm really glad you agree. When I saw that I had a reply I thought it was a hate comment

    Neeliv October 25, 2020 8:05 am
    I agree. KreyaS

    I too

    KreyaS October 25, 2020 9:40 am
    Thanks I'm really glad you agree. When I saw that I had a reply I thought it was a hate comment Delaria

    Well, i will be reading it either way. It's just that there are so much of these romance titles and I want to read something without it. I don't mind if the girls will be crushing into our ML, but I don't want it to turn into another cliche romance story.
    Also, I guess I would appreciate it more if it was simply a story about brotherhood between Arthur and the other male characters)

    Delaria October 25, 2020 12:00 pm
    Well, i will be reading it either way. It's just that there are so much of these romance titles and I want to read something without it. I don't mind if the girls will be crushing into our ML, but I don't want ... KreyaS


Delaria September 15, 2020 1:17 am

I just realized. That the excuse that they gave (we thought you were dead that's why we left you there for 5 years) wasn't real. That was a lie. They had to have known. The emperor knew. He was in contact with the red fox guy. Their guardian. How could he not have known? Their guardian wouldn't have been there if they weren't alive (duh.)??????? What??????? Wasn't the fox telling the emperor to save the children? Doesn't he dissapear if the children close off their hearts? He knew the entire time. I-

    Suzu September 15, 2020 1:32 am

    wasn't it actually that the fox (or a wolf, no idea what was he) couldn't show himself for 5 years exactly because the kids closed their hearts (because of abuse)? and he barely managed to show himself in front of the 2nd prince (ch.34)? or maybe I got that wrong...

    Suzu September 15, 2020 1:34 am

    and about you posting so many comments - it's allright XD I had same reactions

    Delaria September 15, 2020 5:13 am
    wasn't it actually that the fox (or a wolf, no idea what was he) couldn't show himself for 5 years exactly because the kids closed their hearts (because of abuse)? and he barely managed to show himself in front... Suzu

    Or maybe I got it wrong. Idk. Thanks for telling me though. I was going to re-read it to make sure, but I got sleepy.

    Delaria September 15, 2020 5:13 am
    and about you posting so many comments - it's allright XD I had same reactions Suzu


Delaria September 15, 2020 1:00 am

What're they supposed to do? They were tortured since they were born. Did you see how many scars they had? Even if they reincarnated they still got abused. I would trust a stranger who's educating me (even though he's a little snake, but they don't know that) more than a family who abandoned me and left me with a woman who even they didn't trust. Than the family who was so powerful they oversee the kingdom but left me to die. Than the nobles who fucked up my life. Bullied me for being different. Than my father who was a deadbeat. And their excuse was "We thought you were dead"? Really? Really? Do you see what's wrong with that? They thought they were dead? They didn't try to confirm their suspicion? What? He's a victim because he fell in her trap. He was supposed to be soooo intelligent but he gave her his blood? What? Why? I'm done. People are blaming these toddlers who used to be highschoolers because they're "idiots". Lol. Who got abused since birth by their mother and left to die by their father. Lol. I'm done. I'm done.

    Chocotae September 15, 2020 2:51 am

    Sorry, meant to like, my phone's acting up ;A;

    mandy_j September 15, 2020 3:42 am

    They have a mental age, well supposedly of a 25 year old. They died when they were 20. You make a lot of sense, their abuse totally fucked them plus they are now in a new world, etc, but I find it hard to believe that they would believe a child especially when they were already attacked by other kids (they went to visit the 3rd prince at the time I think). Not only that, they're aware that they really don't have anyone in their camp (family likes them but they don't believe it) so again, why trust a child? I thought maybe they wanted someone to believe and thus fell into that trap but its still annoying, in my opinion at least.

    Delaria September 15, 2020 5:18 am
    They have a mental age, well supposedly of a 25 year old. They died when they were 20. You make a lot of sense, their abuse totally fucked them plus they are now in a new world, etc, but I find it hard to beli... mandy_j

    You're right. I don't get that. You make a lot of sense. You make a lot of sense. He IS someone their dad picked out for them to play with. And he IS noble. And a child. It makes no sense for them to trust him. Omg. Mind blown. I didn't even think of that. I was just so angry that my mind was clouded. Thanks. You make so much sense.

    Delaria September 15, 2020 5:18 am
    Sorry, meant to like, my phone's acting up ;A; Chocotae

    Tis fine. Thank you

    lucia_luce September 15, 2020 5:33 am
    They have a mental age, well supposedly of a 25 year old. They died when they were 20. You make a lot of sense, their abuse totally fucked them plus they are now in a new world, etc, but I find it hard to beli... mandy_j

    Last time they died as teenagers (i read on legal site, arien said they're 23 not 25, so they died at 18 years old which makes more sense since they died wearing school uniform in their previous life), so they have teenager mind not 25-years old adult mind, then they're born again as babies, their mental age is indeed 23 but they haven't live adult life (25 is an adult because they experienced job and adult things, etc., but the twins haven't live that adult life yet), so their mentality is still a teenager at most

Delaria September 15, 2020 12:48 am

Now he loves them? What the hell are these lame excuses? You thought they were dead because you went up in the sky and didn't see them? You thought they were dead because that bitch stopped asking for money? You didn't go check up on them? But you love them? You care for them? Just because he gave them a name doesn't mean he loves them. If he loved them, if he cared for them, he would've tried to be there, but was he? No. He wasn't. They we're tortured. His children, in the hands of that sick and crooked woman who should've been tortured, were abused. Those are lame excuses. He neglected those children that he "loved" so much. He didn't care. He never cared. Stop with the excuses.

Delaria September 14, 2020 5:37 pm

So he didn't care if they were dead or alive? If I cared about someone and thought they were dead I would at least make sure of it. They assumed they were dead and didn't care (or maybe they did, but I doubt it) because they weren't outside (?) and went on like everything was ok while leaving their "dead" bodies there? Then when they found out they were alive the oldest brother was like "Holy f*ck they're not dead! Looks like I was wrong. Oopsies." Like. Ok. Work. I get where the twins are coming from. If they really cared they wouldn't have just assumed they were dead and let it go.
Then he basically said "We left you there for 5 yrs and never came to check up on you because we believed you were already dead." Like, ????????? Really? That's- I- Seriously? Um. Neglect? They never thought once to see if they were dead or alive? It shows they didn't care. Names? Ok maybe he did care. Extra money? Ok I guess he cared a little bit. Yeah. No. They had to endure all that from their bitch ass mom and the dad didn't even care. He didn't know anything about the abuse, right? Ok. Did he try to know? No. He never checked to see if they were OK.
See a pattern? Well... No... But you should see the point. He didn't care if they were eating. He didn't care if they were alive and well. He didn't care if they were being mistreated. He just simply didn't care. And now he finds them alive and all of a sudden he cares? Where did that "I don't care if you're dead" energy go?
How do you expect them to trust someone like that? Their own mother was abusing them. And their dad was never around. Now all of a sudden they're supposed to love their dad? They're supposed to understand why he's done all of this? Why he was never around? Gtfo. They have all the right to be angry and confused. It's only natural to be. He's not the "knight in shining armor" that saved them. He out them there. He left them there. Sorry if you don't understand why they're acting this way. Of course you wouldn't. Have you gone what they've gone through. No.

Delaria September 12, 2020 6:17 pm

I tried to find Boom Manga but they must have shut down. I can't find them anywhere and their website isn't working. So frustrated. Is this only me? Can someone please check?

    frxstine September 24, 2020 7:12 pm

    Ikr, I've been checking on it for weeks (I think? Or maybe months?) but the site doesn't work for me. Maybe it DID shut down.. A pity since the other translated chapters of this manhwa can be found there and nowhere else, from what I've heard from others. It doesn't seem like this manhwa's going to be updated in this site any time soon, either. But I really hope it doesn't get dropped because it's really interesting. T~T

    Delaria September 24, 2020 8:12 pm
    Ikr, I've been checking on it for weeks (I think? Or maybe months?) but the site doesn't work for me. Maybe it DID shut down.. A pity since the other translated chapters of this manhwa can be found there and no... frxstine

    Oh really? :( yea

    qwurtkey January 26, 2021 6:54 am

    It’s an app for Android not a website

    grandkingsgirl January 26, 2021 7:30 am
    It’s an app for Android not a website qwurtkey

    there's a site too

    qwurtkey January 26, 2021 11:12 pm
    there's a site too grandkingsgirl

    I know, but the app is shut down too so it doesn’t matter

    Dylon January 27, 2021 12:23 am

    Ah okok thank you

Delaria September 11, 2020 6:43 am

I love this team and bow down to thee. My masters. (っ'-')╮=. Senpapis. P-please except my l-love letter S-S-Senpai-Sama. You've worked yourself to the bone. Would you like some tea masters? The team to be reckoned with. Okay I'm done now. Thanks.

Delaria September 8, 2020 9:49 pm

Is this Girl From Nowhere? The thing that inspired it?

    Mono January 24, 2021 6:23 am

    this was released way befote but I absolutely loved Girl from Nowhere. I can't wait for the second season

    Dylon January 24, 2021 11:12 am
    this was released way befote but I absolutely loved Girl from Nowhere. I can't wait for the second season Mono

    Omg same. I meant like was the girl from Knowhere inspired by this but it wasn't I looked it up. I can't wait to see Nanno again hehehe

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