how u doin?

My mother is making me go to public school even though I have social anxiety because she thinks it'll cure me even though she doubted I had it when I first told her when my counselor told me I may have it. And she says I'm not getting better by just staying in my room on the internet all day. Like. GASP. Sorry I don't wanna hang out with my cousins who talk crap about me all the time and an aunt 8 years older than me who I've never gotten along with when we have family get togethers at our house. I'm sure my body image issues wouldn't get any better either. Like. ???? OMG just send me back to the therapist. Because public school isn't gonna help you, me, or my depression. In fact it's making it worse and this school year isn't even over yet. Oh my god someone call the police because I can't hold it no more.
at least my gf is nice.
Anyways you fuck with e-boys?

Forcing someone to do what they don't want to do isn't gonna make things better first of all
second,she could at least try to be more understandable and help you instead of ignoring how you feel and forcing you into shit-
public schools are the worst
i wish i could just attend online :(
ion fuck w/ anyone rn
i'll stick with my 2d peeps for now
I really like their sense of fashion tho

Thanks :D
She and my aunt even promised me I could go to K12 but then at the last minute she changed her mind and said she'll tell my aunt K12 is a no. All because I don't come out my rooms at familt gatherings even though I literally have gotten better at coming out my room at them. Sorry I found a fucking good ass lesbian movie to watch instead of going downstairs in a musty wastepit full of teenagers dancing to tiktok songs while the parents are upstairs talking about their kid's sexualities.
And I definitely love their style. I was trying to replicate it but fuckin Burlington didn't have any white button downs in the woman's section,or actual good pants, or any black sweatshirts. Fml. So I had to improvise.
And improvise I did ahaha *fuck boy face*

not the tiktok dances-
tbh i would've done the same..what are you gonna do there anyways? just sit there watching them dance or sum?
who wouldn't choose a good fucking movie over doing nothing?
i used to shop at Burlington...don't go there no more though
i don't know anything about clothing or stores so i really cant give you any advice.
i'm kinda glad my family doesn't do "family reunions" i always thought that shit was cringey af lmao
i pretend like i care about others sometimes even when i dont really wanna be there....so i've never got told anything about having to be more social.
Actually..i'm only allowed to talk to girls my age. I can't even look at a boy cuz my parents would give me a long ass lecture.

IKRRR. So annoying. I'm not even on straight tiktok so how tf will I know any of those dances?
That movie was fucking good too. It ended too soon.
Why don't you go to Burlington anymore?
Damn. You can fake being social? Lucky. Wait is that supposed to be a good thing or bad thing? I'm gonna try that. Yo parents are old school? Is that hard?

If you don't like the art stop complaining. Go read something else. No one is forcing you to be here. The artist worked hard on this. Disrespectful.