The reason Wangji was destroying trees wasn't because he was hornknee and wanted to do more to Wei Ying, it was because he was too experienced when they kissed and Lan Wangji thought he has kissed someone else/he already had his first kiss and when Wei Ying said that he has had many battles kinda confirmed that even though its a lie I got this from reading the novel btw

Whenever I finish a chapter and look at the comments I keep reading things like "They we're raised as siblings" "They have a sibling relationship" Its different because when she spent 6 years apart with Eugune she realised that the closeness she felt with him was actually feelings, she probably kept convincing herself that she saw him as a brother. I did the same with someone though but the other way around, also if you guys are just gonna comment and complain about this being incest and you don't like it then why are you still reading it? Bro we're at chapter 63, you have like more than 30 chapters to have the decision to leave since some people spoiled it a long tine ago, stop reading if you think its wrong and if you're just gonna complain about the plot and their relationship.

Of course they'd rush the ending with all the hate. You guys need to accept that there will be stories like this, the world won't be the same and it won't be built upon what people want. I'm honestly happy there are authors like this who create something different, they aren't normalizing rape. Everyone knows that with sweret and cliche stories there will be the dark ones like this one, they are the author and we are the readers, respect the person for what they write because they wanted and plotted it that way. I'm not saying we should let the rape go pass but the author planned it to go this way, if you don't like the story then just stop reading, stop leaving hate that gives pressure to the author. You guys know that there will be the people who will write dark stuff with rape, kidnapping and stuff, dont expect the same plot with every story. This will probably sound bad with my poor english but I hope people understood even just a fraction of what I wanted to say..

I don't see people complaining about Rin and Kagome having Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru as their husbands. I don't have anything against the 2 demons but seriosly? Ya'll waltzing your way here to tell us this is pedo while there's a bunch of anime that also has couples with a large age gap yet I don't see you stupid people complaining, there's also Meliodas who is frickin 3 thousand years old with 16 years old Elizabeth yet why don't you complain about that? Stop hating on yaoi just because you don't like it. Ya'll really bored to be hating on a fanfiction, also there's a lot more horrible inappropriate stuff than this manga and on this site. These children should already know what's right and what's wrong and what they should NOT read or if they don't like it they shouldnt read, it shows the frickin genre for a reason.

No, Elizabeth is as old as Meliodas. By the way, I don’t understand why they are complaining about this dj in particular. There’s a bunch of messed up romances, like “usagi drop” and “for my daughter I would even kill the demon king”. On those stories, the guy literally adopted the girl when they were 5-7 years old and in the end they marry them but, you don’t see people saying that it’s pedophilia. They even ship them and use the argument that the ml waited the fl to grow up to make any move but, for me it’s all bullshit.
Their animal forms just make me giggle everytime it appears ಥ‿ಥ Its so adorable and wholesome everytime! No one can change my mind.