Water exerts an upward force on any object that is submerged in it, and this upward (buoyant) force is equal to the weight of the volume of water that is moved out of the way (displaced) by the object. An object that is placed in water will displace an amount of water up to (but no greater than) its own volume, what then happens to the object depends on the (dry) weight of the object compared to the weight of the equivalent volume of water. If the weight of the object is greater than its equivalent volume of water, it will sink. If the weight of the object is less than its equivalent volume of water, it will float. In other words, objects less dense than water will float while objects more dense than water will sink.
Compared directly, iron is denser than water because a given volume of iron weighs much more than the same volume of water. Assuming an iron cube is solid, the cube will always weigh more than the volume of water that it displaces and so it will sink.
A large enough boat is different, though. Imagine a boat as a roughly bowl-shaped empty container with an iron "skin". When we say the boat is empty, what that really means is that it contains nothing but air. Air does have some weight, but it is much, much less dense than water. As long as water is not allowed to rise over the sides of the bowl, the volume of water displaced by this boat not only includes the volume of its iron outer skin but also the volume of air inside the bowl. If the bowl-boat is made large enough, this interior volume will become big enough that the weight of the iron skin + the weight of the interior air will not be enough to overcome the weight of the water displaced by the volume. As a whole, the boat is less dense than water even though its relatively thin outer skin is made of a substance that is much denser than water, and so it will float.
This is why some capsized or otherwise flooded boats may sink, since the volume of air contained within the boat that is keeping the boat afloat is then replaced by much denser water and the remaining materials of the boat are too dense to float on their own.
Hope that makes it understandable
I want to say ass but all I see is cake