p_s's feed

Poor Etty. I can believe how lonely he must have grown up. Anyone who every showed him even the slightest bit of kindness was killed and replaced. How can a mother hate their child so much or be so cruel to them, manipulate them and not care about their well being? How selfish can one person be? If omegas are treasured so much in the kingdom, over betas, I'm sure Leona could have used that to her advantage better than pretending he was a beta. She is super delulu. The entitlement of that woman is insane. And poor Etty who has no idea what a mother's love is!!!

I hate that Etty is treated poorly by both parents. One is manipulative and constantly putting him in harms way,, and other just treats him like crap doing the bare minimum to show that Etty is his bloodline but nothing more. Even Shar who is the only friend Etty has ever known was taken away from him for years and Etty is constantly berated if he spends time with Shar. If Shar becomes the new King, doesn't Leona see that she can install Etty as the royal consort? That would also keep her family in power. Honestly I hope she just burns in the firey depths of hell for all of eternity.