What’s everyone’s obsession with babies..... I’m like... you realise having kids isn’t just a givin within relationships... some people don’t have kids-

Precisely because normal BL does not even have the possibility for it, that's why. Omegaverse is a unique spin on it which makes it possible for two men to have children. Yes, not every couple has children, but people do expect that from omegaverses since the entire premise revolves around men's ability to be impregnated.

I still feel like the first couple need to develop more.... It just feels a little Forced in more ways than one and could feels like theyre only together cause of the baby and hye sung wants a family. I don’t feel much love there ya know? It feel sooooo rushed and mainly about sex cause there are more sex scenes than scenes of them actually showing love towards each other

Yeah like the sex scenes are likeee woooowww but then my heart just kinda is left unfulfilled cause even that at times look forced onto hye sung. Like I’d really like to see hye sung understand what a real family is and explore that aspect of the plot more because i feel like then they would have a lot of special moments ya know?

Totally, I wish they would've delved more or maybe in future chapters make Hye sung meet like strong omegas etc that makes him rethink and have a better respect for himself and as an omega, and like you can add the Hubby in to make him realize it and that would've been a way healthy development. But we can hope. I feel like this auhor is either still young or not completely grasping character and emotional developments :/

Naeyon seems like she’s interested in Noah in such a superficial way. where the side stories with dohye were much more developed and wholesome? But somehow the whole Noah and naeyon thing they automatically just liked each other?? And he saw her on the train and that’s it?? Like wha??? How is that an interesting engaging pairing that youre supposed to be invested in... i just personally am not a fan
He’s so cute wtfffff