MIMI May 25, 2020 1:39 pm

He’s so cute wtfffff

MIMI May 14, 2020 5:27 pm

Ok but I liked the fact that Fumo always offered to be his neko and it’s not so everyone fits their stereotypical roles and stuff BUT WE NEVER SAW FUMI BOTTOM and that keeps me up at night...

MIMI March 6, 2020 8:58 am

What’s everyone’s obsession with babies..... I’m like... you realise having kids isn’t just a givin within relationships... some people don’t have kids-

    Irene November 8, 2024 6:46 am

    Precisely because normal BL does not even have the possibility for it, that's why. Omegaverse is a unique spin on it which makes it possible for two men to have children. Yes, not every couple has children, but people do expect that from omegaverses since the entire premise revolves around men's ability to be impregnated.

MIMI February 12, 2020 3:43 pm

I just want river with hiel. I really don’t like the way khaol treats river and how river states exactly why he shouldn’t pursue khaol but continues to do it in the next chapter. Not a fan. I loooooooove hiel so much I’ll take him if rivers dumb enough to go with khaol...

MIMI February 2, 2020 6:23 am

Was I the only one that shipped fuyuno and onda??? Cause likkkkeee I was waiting for their lil story

MIMI September 14, 2019 2:50 am

I still feel like the first couple need to develop more.... It just feels a little Forced in more ways than one and could feels like theyre only together cause of the baby and hye sung wants a family. I don’t feel much love there ya know? It feel sooooo rushed and mainly about sex cause there are more sex scenes than scenes of them actually showing love towards each other

    BrightSide September 14, 2019 3:01 am

    Girl I agree! Not that I don't love sex scenes, but there really isn't a lot of deep talks or getting to understand each other. Their sex even when consensual, has a subtle hint of dubcon.

    MIMI September 14, 2019 4:44 am
    Girl I agree! Not that I don't love sex scenes, but there really isn't a lot of deep talks or getting to understand each other. Their sex even when consensual, has a subtle hint of dubcon. BrightSide

    Yeah like the sex scenes are likeee woooowww but then my heart just kinda is left unfulfilled cause even that at times look forced onto hye sung. Like I’d really like to see hye sung understand what a real family is and explore that aspect of the plot more because i feel like then they would have a lot of special moments ya know?

    BrightSide September 14, 2019 7:23 pm
    Yeah like the sex scenes are likeee woooowww but then my heart just kinda is left unfulfilled cause even that at times look forced onto hye sung. Like I’d really like to see hye sung understand what a real fa... MIMI

    Totally, I wish they would've delved more or maybe in future chapters make Hye sung meet like strong omegas etc that makes him rethink and have a better respect for himself and as an omega, and like you can add the Hubby in to make him realize it and that would've been a way healthy development. But we can hope. I feel like this auhor is either still young or not completely grasping character and emotional developments :/

    MIMI September 15, 2019 7:53 am

    Yesss 100% agree i noticed that with the author but i guess we can hope, we never know what might happen later

MIMI August 9, 2019 4:13 am

Naeyon seems like she’s interested in Noah in such a superficial way. where the side stories with dohye were much more developed and wholesome? But somehow the whole Noah and naeyon thing they automatically just liked each other?? And he saw her on the train and that’s it?? Like wha??? How is that an interesting engaging pairing that youre supposed to be invested in... i just personally am not a fan

MIMI July 19, 2019 8:00 pm

K but I’m still out here trying to see where senzaki and tatsumi are goinggg... like I love their story to most lowkey...

    Beshell July 20, 2019 9:33 pm

    I thought senzaki killed him self. Aince he appeared as a ghost to haunted tatsumi and vowed to make his life a living hell. The last disappearance and the fact that he hated the world he was in made me think they were going to die together.

    hataki July 25, 2019 2:55 pm

    oh god, i love them too. still waiting to see that one through myself. they my number one.

MIMI July 6, 2019 3:29 am

Am i the only one that gets uncomfortable when they call male omegas “wife”?.... like bruh just cause they conceive dont mean they just changed gender???

    idkidc July 6, 2019 4:03 am

    Bro same

    Ren July 6, 2019 4:24 am

    Wait so she wasn't a girl????? And WHy ThE HeLl DOeS hE HavE aN Ex WifE

MIMI May 31, 2019 4:30 am

I’m confused like i skimmed this so hard can someone plz explain?? What happened in this?? HAHAHAHHAHA

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