Rai's experience ( All 0 )

Rai's answer ( All 2 )

Honestly, when I first read it, I thought the idea was kindof cool. But then as I read more and more... I began to like it less and less. It starts to feel like the same story, with characters stereotyped into the same roles. And although there are a few exceptions, many stories I've read don't try to do much with the omegaverse... it starts to fee......   reply
22 07,2017

Rai's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did fall for a same sex person

i still fell for her till this day..and man she was my first awakening too. even tho we don’t talk anymore i’m just admiring her from afar

4 hours
did explain your username

I honestly typed a bunch of the same letter, it isn't squealing hahah

7 hours
did my first boyfriend

toxic but learned a lot

9 hours