i finished the novel and i’m PLEADINGG i hope the manhwa has longer side stories or something because the novel was too short for me. i was so sad when i finished all the side stories and there was nothing else to read.

i found it here~ https://www.foxaholic.com/novel/possessing-the-obsessive-maniacs-cotton-doll/
switch to the 18+ version of the site for extra spicy~~ side stories ^^

i can’t be the only one who feels terrible for the MC. he’s clearly struggling a lot with his mental health and suffers from hyper sexuality as a result to cope with his symptoms… sure you could say he’s spoilt because he’s never had to worry about bills or feeding himself but there’s no denying that even though he had everything he needed paid for and led a luxurious lifestyle, he was still emotionally neglected by his one and only parent. it’s clear that he’s felt unwanted ever since he was a child. i can’t imagine being 4 years old and watching other kids have their parents participate in class activities (e.g. bringing your parents to class to talk about their job) and seeing other kids happily spending time with their parents while you sit alone knowing that spending time with you publicly is the last thing your father would want to do. not to mention his father constantly insults him and treats him lesser than… calling him useless and a waste of space or other things similar. the MC grew up to be someone with no goals or commitment BECAUSE OF HIS DAD. his dad made him feel like he wasn’t worth taking up any space in this world, like his existence shouldn’t have been a thing in the first place. when you get treated as a burden all your life, naturally you will have no will to live. with no will to live, ambition dies as well. that is why the MC lives life so recklessly; sleeping around, squandering money on all sorts of things and indulging on all the superficial joys in life while completely neglecting nurturing his own mental health. from what we can see so far he has dreams, he has a love for art but he chooses not to pursue his dreams because he wants nothing more than to just disappear from the world. it breaks my heart seeing this and seeing how lonely the MC is while his father chooses to show more compassion and love to someone who isn’t even his blood (the ML). don’t get me wrong, i’m not saying he should’ve left the ML to drown in debt but i’m just saying that it’s so hypocritical of him to offer someone unrelated to him more grace than he’s ever given to HIS OWN CHILD. the ML tells the MC to be grateful and treat his dad well… while i can understand where he is coming from and that his intentions are good the MC isn’t obligated to be grateful. i wouldn’t want to be grateful to someone who’s treated me like an eyesore all my life. not being able to talk about your dad and having to pretend like he is non existent is such a huge burden to be placed on a CHILD. whatever bullshit sad tearjerking reason his dad has is NO EXCUSE to be emotionally neglecting your child and there is no excuse to push your own adult troubles onto your child and act shocked when their emotional growth is stunted causing him to act like a child when he’s already grown. does that mean that the MC is innocent and couldn’t do anything wrong? no. the MC himself acknowledges that he was wrong for taking his anger out at the ML too and takes accountability. the MC’s dad needs a rude wakeup call because his son turned out the way he did because of how he raised him. abandoning him in the countryside that he is unfamiliar with and leaving him to someone younger to “whip him in shape” is just the easy way out because it would be so much harder for him to just act like a goddamn father. to acknowledge the MC as his son and tell him that he loves him. i do think the getaway to the countryside away from the city life and his fwbs will serve the MC well mentally but honestly his dad’s purpose for doing so clearly wasn’t to help the MC mentally but just to “protect his reputation”.

EXACTLY, istg dude they better make the dad KNEEL, have his head smash into the ground like that one looney tunes austrich. He better pull up with a whole performance like those japanese professional stuntmen apologizers that breakdance into a Dogeza (look it up if you dont know, its worth it).
Even then, I'll be so mad if the dad gets away with it like all is well suddenly. It's too late, the damage is beyond done, so overcooked it's charred af.
From the moment his son was born he should've been like "either I retire or gotta come out with the baggage in tow", not sacrifice his son's well being and childhood for his own ego. And after all these years he still only thinks about controlling his own flesh and blood, when the real obstacle is his cowardice.

TW: CSA please don’t read any further if this topic is triggering for you and take care
so from what we can see so far it seems that dr han n his brother were victims of sex trafficking… and unfortunately his brother never made it out alive. this would explain why dr han has a phobia of touching humans but is perfectly fine with touching animals with his bare hands. that’s perfectly understandable and i feel so bad for him seeing how the perpetrator never received a death sentence/life in prison enrages me so much… people that can even think of harming children let alone SAing and k1lling them should go to hell absolutely no exceptions!!! it seems that he is planning on punishing the perpetrator himself to deliver proper justice that he and his brother never received. i cant fault him for seeking revenge honestly, not just in fiction but in reality as well south korea doesnt have a good record for properly punishing child abusers… my heart hurt reading the flashbacks because i’m reminded so much of the case of Na Young and an unrelated case in china of a child sex trafficking ring that was disguised as a student aid foundation. they were all just children, with hearts full of love and joy only for all that to be snatched away by insatiable monsters that desire literal children… im absolutely devastated and infuriated at the same time because there are so many countries in the world that aren’t doing enough to protect children. this story hits hard because of how sad and realistic it is… we’re only 15 chapters in but i hope that there is a happy ending that awaits dr han and i hope that disgusting POS rots in hell

What happened to Na Young really broke my heart. I cried so hard when I learned about what happened to her. And I was so so mad when I heard that that monster was released and lived near her house. The government failed her and her family. There was also a case where an 8-year-old girl was assaulted by a monster who pretended to be a cop. SAd her, sl*t her thr**t and left her to die in the field. She survived and it took years for the police to finally caught the monster but then he took his own life in the prison. I'm glad the girls are now living a good life with kind people around them. Another case is Zainab from Pakistan. She was also SAd and found dead in a garbage dump. Those monsters and their kind should be tortured and put in death penalty as soon as proven guilty. They don't deserve to live. How can the justice even let these monsters roam free after what they did? This also reminds me of these cases and seeing Dr. Han's flashbacks is heartbreaking for me cause I know that this also happens irl. I also hope that Dr. Han finds his happy ending.
did anyone else read the title in a british accent or was it just me
BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA omg i love this comment i also read it in a British accent
Buhludy hell. I definitely read it like that xD