pegleg's experience ( All 0 )

pegleg's answer ( All 2 )

about question
wow. yeah. there's a lot that has been, will be, could be said. but the easiest answer is Yes. Yes because it's part of each of our human conditions to realize as we grow that we actually are different from those around us and it just seems that as we grow so do those differences. Sometimes it feels like in insurmountable chasm of differences that ......   reply
13 02,2024
only from my father and my church (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧ i'm still so glad my dad's never seen my bedroom, there's no way i'd remember to hide it all ( ̄∇ ̄")   reply
16 01,2024

pegleg's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did tried to kill yourself

i did try to multiple times tho i survived every time

6 hours
did contradictory comments

My words are contradicting cus I myself dont know the truth anymore. i need a break irl and im spiraling.

7 hours
did tried to kill yourself

I wanted to because he was gone but my friends stopped me and offered me a solution

7 hours