So cute!
If you liked this, I really recommend Yotsubato! too.
It has the same sort of adorableness to it ^^

Overselling much...?
And here I was expecting something... Well, at the very least slightly heart-thumping. A kiss, anything. Guess it's not really that kind of manga, but what's with the warnings, hey.

I think they were just joking. Making fun of the ppl freaking out over the teacher/student thing. I'm willing to bet at least half of the whiners have watched or read other taboo stories they only freak out when its a taboo they dont like.
Goddammit Muzaka get your shit together. Between friends, you should stop at a broken nose and a dislocated shoulder. Landing your buddy in a coma for 820 yrs and then coming back for more? Too far, man, too far.
Muzaka needs a bitch slap ASAP, then he needs to realize his family is the greatest scum in the universe and lastly I hope he gets onboard Rais team...
Nooo after what he did how could he just switch sides. That would be stupid. We need enemys or this is going to end.
Nah, Muzaka's hot, so he's either gonna end up on team Rai or die a beautifully heroic death. (Since this manwha is a pretty=good guys and ugly=bad guys type)
haha!! that logic makes sense!! :)
Yah that is logical
i noticed that too know that sombody said it i couldn't agree moreヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~