nocontrol created a topic of Honey Bear

Unpopular opinion: Just bc Geonwoo's love is more innocent does not make it pure and not superficial.

I saw some comments that Hajin is not measuring up to Geonwoo and even doesn't deserve him.

Geonwoo started liking Hajin purely bc of looks and the smell of bread at the start. Sure, he likes Hajin a lot, helps him in the bakery and wants to become a more impressive person. But is that enough? So what? He helps in the bakery bc he wants to get close, he wants to be better bc he got jealous and compared himself to the childhood friend. It's not altruistic or purely for the sake of Hajin.

It's easy for him to confess and be in love. Why is he the standard for their relationship?

I'm not saying Hajin should be the standard either, the messaging in the story is clear he does not know how to have a proper relationship. But I think relationships also aren't just about confessing. I think it's about time and commitment. Which Hajin is slowly demonstrating. He'll get to announcing the label, he's just having a hard time saying it. He's already treating it as an exclusive relationship.

It's fine bc in this story Hajin likes him back. But it reminds me about the women who are told "Why don't you marry the guy who really really likes you?" bc he's safe and loves u more so therefore he's better. Or the ppl who date below their "league" bc they dont think the person will cheat on them then.

I don't want Hajin to b okay w the boyfriend label only once he feels Geonwoo would never break up w him. That's not overcoming the insecurity. That's sidestepping it. Geonwoo himself is fine waiting and I'm excited to see a more mature love fr Geonwoo too.

nocontrol answered question about question
Credibility based on vibes or appearance. Especially against hard evidence. E.g. the personality hires, pretty privilege, people hating Kamala for her laugh, the extrovert bias I feel like in the comments of some toxic BL you'll see ppl just can't give up or admit that they'll turn a blind eye to all the bad behaviour just bc a guy is rlly handso......