God, I know they have history or whatever, but srlsy Subin???? How about showing the same amount of compassion to your fcking boyfriend of 5 years?????? Maybe??? Idk????
It's because he was his first love, and maybe for him, to love that deeply he didn't want to give it away again. He saw how much it hurt already to watch it get thrown away. Plus, he may have felt what his first love did was cruel, but he as a person grew since they were apart...he said seeing him in anguish wasn't as satisfying as he thought, which probably means he doesn't want to let someone else feel that same pain. As a consolation he'll cook his favorite dish, so maybe he won't feel as lonely as Subin must have felt. In the end though, he isn't ready or willing to love like that again. Had his first love been more romantic, placed Subin's needs first, actively showed he cared, then there may have been a subin that was willing to care back. He asked why he confessed that way. I think he means, why did he only confess for himself and not really for Subin? He regretted him leaving. But did he actually care about Subin ? Enough that he wouldn't hurt him again? Subin knowing what he knows can't see that being possible right now, so since he still cares, he at least wants to show: this is what you do for someone you love. Even if you don't get anything in return. It's what I think anyways...
He made Subin feel like like he could be replaced any moment and i hated that ;-; He threatened to breakup as a joke, took stuff for granted too.
And the fact he said he couldnt stop thinking about someone else the entire time. He cant blame only Subin….he doesnt even listen to Subin. I dont even know why Subin loves him anymore
For those wondering if the story doesn't make sense because of the translation, I'm sorry to tell yall that that isn't the case. I read the official translation in Spanish, and it still feels like a fever dream
That exactly what I thought. It's not just the words. it's the whole plot that don't make sense. Like what the hell even is the order and the time skips? that's not because of bad translation. It's because of being a bad story