Lmao this fan base won't let horikoshi write HIS own story.

No worries, it's the usual. Some fans are pissed at different things sadly idk what exactly as I can't relate to them. But I suppose it's the story progression and the development of both the main character and the plot. If someone could add or maybe say what the actual problem is that would be great.

That’s lameee. I love the plot and the direction the story is going. I think it’s great and I saw a lot of fans are unhappy that the class stepped in to help deku. Like deku was all about friends and being a hero the way he knows how to be. Following this dark path, I feel like would be so cliche and just like every other hero story. Fans need to chill lmao. But thanks for explaining

I've had enough. Mateel or whatever his name is it's cool that he came to save his bf and all. But who the hell walks in with their hands in their pockets all cool and shit while they know he is in danger and carrying a child. If the person I love was in danger I would be running not walking like a gucci model lol
I've been reading Noragami since I was 14, i am 24 now and I can't stop crying. It's like I'm saying goodbye to a part of me. I definitely feel like I need more continuation and the ending feels way to open, which I usually prefer but idk it feels abrupt. Still it made me happy knowing the meet again