Jupiter's feed

Reinhardt is trash, Wilhelm is also trash. They are both very much trash.
Oh boy, do I have some things to say about these two.

Wilhelm raped Reinhardt and lied to her about Dietrich. Was the lie understandable? Yes, as he was afraid of Reinhardt leaving him for Dietrich, but was it the right thing to do? No. Wilhelm, from a very young age, was abused, forced into war, tortured, enslaved, raped and used, this includes both his past and current life. He grew up with no words of affection, no affectionate touches, no words of love, no nothing. Only when he met Reinhardt again in his current life as a child, did he experience those things. Wilhelm had grown an obsession with Reinhardt already in his previous life, so this is why I do not agree with the people saying that Reinhardt groomed Wilhelm. He was already an adult in his past life. These factors can all contribute to a severely mentally unstable human being, which is what perfectly describes Wilhelm. He is drunk with obsession and possession. His obsessive and manipulative behaviour is very nasty, especially whenever he would go back to the portrait painting of Reinhardt as a child. And that one time he jerked it to the painting… Need I say more? He is obviously in some dire need of professional help, this man NEEDS therapy immidietaly

Now as for Reinhardt. This woman is truly a specimen. She grew up with love and affection her entire life, only for it to be just recently crushed when her dad died and her fiancé being a total dick. She used Wilhelm for her own benefit, for revenge. She took him in as a child, raised him, fed him, taught him how to speak, all the things a mother would do for their child, and you are telling me she fell in love with him? For Wilhelm’s case I understand, as he had met her prior to the current life their living, but Reinhardt hardly remembers. She committed to this relationship despite raising Wilhelm as if he was her own, and had absolutely no problem with kissing and partaking in sexual acts with him. That is disgusting. She is not innocent, she also has her flaws, Wilhelm ain’t the only one. One thing that irritates me about this woman is how she treated the son over the daughter. You are telling me that you are unable to raise your son that was born out of love, but fully capable of taking care of your daughter that was born out of rape? I am not saying that she should neglect the daughter, but as she is a child born out of sexual assault, you would think that Reinhardt would find it harder to raise her, rather than the son that was actually born out of love. Not only is she a horrible mother, but she is a horrible person too.

The only person here that I actually like is Dietrich. The only mentally stable character, the only one that isn’t fucked up in the head, and the only sensible one.