im gonna be honest i read this at least once a month because this is the equivalent of shakespeare's romantic comedies to me and (much ado about) nothing can top its sheer ridiculousness and hilarity that have culminated into something of a (dante's) divine comedy that not even rumi's best poetry could 'top' (wink wink, rumi was gay).

well, the plot took a weird turn but tbh i took this as a polywin (eugene x cain x herrace were the realest ot3), would've been a better story w/o daniel but he grew on me, wished he became closer to everyone. tbh herrace also wasn't that interesting to me at first but grew on me a lot more than daniel did. ultimately eugene/cain cleared, would've loved an ot3 ending with them but ehhh, i loved the mls and the fl was ridiculous enough that it wasn't off putting.
most iconic quote: "my handsome men! where have you three been?" (passes out)

I'm already making time in my schedule to translate the three chapters (56-58) on my own but if anyone else with more time can, it would be greatly appreciated.
Or if you have 3 dollars to just buy the chapters, that's cool too. (If you're an American, you can even access them for free, just read my notice since the process is a bit convoluted.)
Read the notice and message me for details.
any info on this?