junochi created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

also i felt so bad the way the cleaner kept apologising no IM sorry you have to clean this! :( thank you for your work

junochi created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

I think I just felt my heart shatter, ow

junochi created a topic of Age of arrogance

I have to say, I feel a bit bad for Matthias. Drugs have completely eroded his mind. I doubt he's even mentally there anymore. Just a bit bad though.
also ohmygodshe'ssohotcanshetakemeif Princefumblesher

junochi created a topic of Did It Work

as a reader, i squeal
as an environmentalist, i cry

junochi created a topic of I Became the Hero's Mom

i actually forgot how funny this manhwa was cuz of all the sad stuff lately

poor Reynold doesn't get picked again :/
also I never realised it hasn't updated since 2023 and now I'm invested, can someone pleaseeeee pick this up? pretty please with a cherry on top? :(

oh dude... this made me so sick to my stomach. I miss those Pokemon now :/ only they truly treated her as their own

junochi created a topic of Stranger

"I'm someone who gets turned on by someone who just turned 18. You think I'll ask for some sort of justice?" CRAZY
at least he's aware. the irony

dude that panel where his earlobe gets shot but he doesn't care and keeps grinning is so cool. so noir?

fred is a guy right????? ha???

junochi created a topic of Jinx

wow look at all the whores that saved the birthday pic in their albums LMAO

junochi created a topic of Perfect Buddy

I swear to god if this is a precursor to another drama

junochi created a topic of I Became the Hero's Mom

bro I thought this entire time that mikhail's lover was his sister all this time and the god loved some freaky incest action

Aiden will you be my valentine next year

wtf going on? he hits her and tells her he loves her? ha????

y'all having this convo.... with his dick out just lying there?