It’s so common for this to happen that I’m unsure why we’re all so surprised? However there is something I will say….i don’t think the author was trying to make this “hot”. I never once saw this and thought it was hot. The authors other smex scenes have been very spicy and “hot” this however just felt sad so for that I guess thankyou? But also not thankyou. I’d have preferred the author to have had him choose any other method than this to get the uke to hate the seme. It almost doesn’t feel real…like this isn’t the character we’ve grown to know but I guess that’s the whole point?
I’m really not good at mystery type games. But from what I’ve gathered so far the cousin is suspicious but I don’t understand why? Doha (forgive me I forget names) let’s just say semi and uke . Okay so semi seems the most suspicious right? He can kill the killer, he knows where hidden doors are and he got upset when our uke was willing to sacrifice him on the bridge. I’m 50 50 on whether he’s the killer. So far it seems like he’s just a man in love or falling in love who has yandeer tendencies. He hates that the uke doesn’t actually care, he’s always trying to get the uke to confirm that he does in fact care about him the most. Whenever the uke in trouble he saves him but when it’s him the uke doesn’t save him (supposedly). Maybe my memory is bad but we’ve never actually seen him die, we only heard that he’d be the one to die away from everyone else. That’s what makes me suspicious of him…. It could be a story where it was a simple horror game but then the semi seme (can’t spell) ended up taking on the role of the killer and now there’s 2 (usually in these kind of movies there more than one). We don’t know the og killers motive but we know th semes, he’s obsessed with the uke, he doesn’t want the uke to escape and forget him so he’s okay staying in this continuous loop. He’s already started to show how he’ll kill all the others and even potentially the uke now (the bridge)….or he could really just be the saviour type character where the uke can only escape once he dies for good (the love interest usually dies saving the main character) and that could be why the uke was never able to escape because he couldn’t fullfill that trope ….who knows
I know hanna probably isn’t his romantic partner but I dunno….ive lost a lot of respect for this heroin. She supported a weak man who didn’t respect her at all for years. She then lets another man into her home and instantly offers herself up to him and “competes” with this hanna woman. She has no self respect at all. We as the readers know hanna probably isn’t a thing but in her eyes he’s a taken man and she’s just okay being his play thing? The other woman? I don’t particularly enjoy reading about home wreckers. (I know she won’t be but in her eyes she is and that’s all the info I need). Honestly she needs to work on herself and frankly he could do better. If he likes woman like her he has a savior complex.
The blue haired alchemist would make for a great story if she was to go back in time. Poor woman was used, abused and used some more. As much as I felt bad for her hubby he ultimately went down the wrong path to. I couldn’t see the, being happy together if they’d lived. Then you have their poor son…what happened to him? Did I miss something? He was alive but missing some of his soul?
Anyway, I enjoyed the story but I felt really sorry for everyone the empower had contact with.