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random perv April 12, 2015 3:13 pm

Can I say I hate Mei? Sorry. I'm so sorry. I just hate her. :/ really.

random perv April 11, 2015 11:54 pm

The flabby belly killed me x'D my ex-girlfriend does that too and seeing that she's not the only one made me laugh so hard....wahahaha when you're doing it and they try to suck in their stomach so you won't notice their belly....bwahahaha x'D sorry. Remind me so badly of my ex. Kekeke great story....so funny.....and realistic too....great art....bwahaha x'D

random perv's questions ( All 9 )

random perv April 12, 2015 5:41 pm

Ive been thinking about this for a while....dont you think haru and rin ( from free ) both look uke? I think that's why souseke appeared in the anime......so the makoharu fans , rinmako fans, makorin fans, harumako fans, harurin fans and rinharu fans will not fight anymore. But it only worsen the battle. Now another army is ready to join the battlefield,...the sourin fans. Though I prefer rinsou. I am alone in my battle.

That's why I was wondering....am I really alone in this battle? im not, right? I am here to recruit members and build a stronger foundation for my army.......

( sorry, just wanna share my opinion )

But of course, I'm just talking nonsense. Don't mind me. Keep scrolling.

Don't mind me. I'm just sleep typing. Keep scrolling. Keep scrolling.

( haays , what am I even talking about? )(● ̄(エ) ̄●)

    random perv April 12, 2015 5:47 pm

    I just explain why this sick idea came to my mind. Its some doujinkas fault....someone made a mob x souseke doujin and now my minds corrupted. Okay. Sorry. I'll stop now.

    Wait....souSEKE. Get it? Okay. I'll really stop now.

    Anonymous April 12, 2015 6:09 pm

    Really? I've never read a uke sousuke... mind sharing the one that changed you?
    And yeah, Free is like the only fandom where I myself am no longer sure who to ship together... (except nagisa and rei)

    Merry April 12, 2015 6:30 pm

    Hmmm...I'd also like to see Sousuke as the uke and Rin as the seme. A blushing Sousuke might not be a bad idea. Hmm... Let me imagine it... http://m.quickmeme.com/img/1b/
    But I still prefer him calm, quiet and cool http://i60.tinypic.com/2lw4qj4.jpg

    hey April 12, 2015 6:58 pm

    I only have one otp in free that's RinHaru. I cabt understand multishipping really.

    random perv April 12, 2015 7:59 pm
    Really? I've never read a uke sousuke... mind sharing the one that changed you?And yeah, Free is like the only fandom where I myself am no longer sure who to ship together... (except nagisa and rei) @Anonymous


    random perv April 12, 2015 8:07 pm
    Really? I've never read a uke sousuke... mind sharing the one that changed you?And yeah, Free is like the only fandom where I myself am no longer sure who to ship together... (except nagisa and rei) @Anonymous

    Read it some time ago in myreadingmanga.info.....just type mob x sousUKE or momo x SousUKE....you see? Its even in his name.....lalala~~~ anyway , I love the momo x sousuke pairing too, I like it more than rinsou....but there's also this doujin where he was paired up with haru....ah ah ah! Its complicated! Maybe I just really like sousuke uke or maybe I really just wanna mess that cool aura around him and make him quiver and tremble in pleasure...( wait, isn't that the same? ) haha...I'm talking nonsense. Please forgive me. I'm shutting up. I'm shutting up. Ugh....can't....must say it.....SOUSUKE UKE IS THE BEST! ヽ(`Д´)ノ you should try uke sousuke....

    okay. Sorry. Haha

    random perv April 12, 2015 8:16 pm
    I only have one otp in free that's RinHaru. I cabt understand multishipping really. @hey

    I know. Multi-shipping. Hah. I can only see haru with rin, with makoto, and with sosuke,....haha. ( sorry, bad joke. ) well, at first, I only sail on a ship with haru and rin.... But since my obsession with free grew, I had to upgrade my ship and let makoto and sousuke in too. Oh well, my ship is too big for haru and rin from the beginning anyway so I thought why not let the other two join....? Wouldn't hurt....so basically, I was like you in the beginning, until the storm called sousuke came.....so I thought he should be with rin....then I thought he could also be with haru....and then I thought he could be uke.....and then ...and then....haays....maybe I'm just sou obsessed.

    random perv April 12, 2015 8:18 pm
    Really? I've never read a uke sousuke... mind sharing the one that changed you?And yeah, Free is like the only fandom where I myself am no longer sure who to ship together... (except nagisa and rei) @Anonymous

    Somewhere in myreadingmanga. Info....type mob x sosuke in the search bar....

    random perv April 12, 2015 8:20 pm
    Hmmm...I'd also like to see Sousuke as the uke and Rin as the seme. A blushing Sousuke might not be a bad idea. Hmm... Let me imagine it... http://m.quickmeme.com/img/1b/1bb0d94f96cf5a0bd5e703b5811511adc730a4ab... Merry

    But that's exactly what's exciting about it.....messing up that calm and quiet and cool personality......nyehehehehe~~~

    Pacgirl April 12, 2015 9:23 pm

    I just ship everyone with everyone and even there positions. For free I did have a fav but later I was kinda like meh I don't care anymore. XD

random perv April 11, 2015 5:48 pm

I'm looking for a yaoi manga, the story ....well, I can't remember very well....I think its about a guy who was bullied by some fujoshis by putting make-up and ribbons on him....and he has a friend ....ah ah! I have amnesia, the only scene that I remember is when they were caught in the infirmary kissing by some fujoshis! I think the author is ootsuki miu or someone with the same arts style but I just can't find it! Help? I really wanna read it again....I hope you can help with this little info that I provided! Sankyuu~`~

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king-of-games April 9, 2015 5:36 am

Filipino Unite! Kumusta ka na? ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

One word...cute. Just kidding.

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