Blitzkrieg want to do ( All 1 )

tried to kill yourself

Blitzkrieg's experience ( All 0 )

Blitzkrieg's answer ( All 41 )

about question
This thing here   2 reply
26 days
about question
Who is he even   1 reply
28 11,2024
about question
You need self care and have some goal in life what else can I say, having something important to do won't give you time to think about irrelevant stuff.   reply
23 11,2024
about question
  2 reply
04 11,2024
Blitzkrieg 03 09,2024
Ignore them next time and move on   reply
03 09,2024

Blitzkrieg's question ( All 3 )

Or is it bad bc I'm affecting their mental health? Idk, then it just makes them an acquaintance. Normally, friends support each other- or at least that's what I believe in. But lately it seems like friendship has become more of a redundant term.
02 06,2024
Blitzkrieg 22 09,2020
My class has kids who'd play the guitar being unmute or make stupid faces turning on their video while the professor would be explaining on the board, facing back.
I wonder how many of you would feel like shooting them.
22 09,2020

People are doing

want to do change something

i get why reincarnation/transmigration/regression troupes are so popular cuz same. i want a reset.

2 hours
want to do i'm looking for friends

i really want more friends tho i have social anxiety (;´д`)ゞ

4 hours
want to do change something

i want to change how i look, i want to change my whole personality to

4 hours