Noriko created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

Can someone show Cireus some love already?? Damn, them arguing makes me so scared.

"Do what you want to my body" - "I can't take it a 2nd time, wait" ... so annoying, make up your mind passive boy. And Saeheon is so scary especially that black oversize thing of his. The author throws together smth you see in every manhwa without adding anything special, its like this is their first time drawing sex-szenes. I'm disappointed and really not feeling it.

Noriko created a topic of My Damned XXX

Seonwoo deserves what he got himself into. Yes he had a rough childhood I get it but it doesn’t justify how he hurts ppl who love him. Killing him is too much but I wholeheartedly support teaching him a lesson so that maybe he can emphasise. I still hate him.

Noriko created a topic of Worth the Wait

Is it just my imagination or do they show us way more intimacy the first couple already?

I feel nothing. They really overdid it, I'm already too frustrated at this point.

Noriko created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

Cirrus is becoming cuter by the chapter. I love it.
Hope they'll do more than kiss at his place :p

Noriko created a topic of Yours to Claim

Have never been so happy over a story to end. I still don't understand why it took so long, my hate for Jooin kept growing each chapter.

And one last time for the record: Team Cain, he was treated so bad, but don't ya'll worry, that cute puppy is with me now and I'll give him the love he deserves.

Noriko created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon

No! DON'T YOU DARE!!! NOOOOOOOO Pleeeeease, I can't take this anymore... Q_Q

Noriko created a topic of Yours to Claim

So... is that why Cain was here? To prove a point about fate and destiny??

Noriko created a topic of Worth the Wait

3rd session will be about the blond new guy and someone else. The rival of that story will be MC of seson 4. It's an endless lovestory.

Ok it was cute until the kiss in the car, them MC became so annoying and pessimistic even tho the signs are so obvious, he convinces himself of the worst possibility. So ridiculous, why are bottoms written so bad and hard to get always?

Noriko followed a goer
19 02,2024
Noriko created a topic of Jinx

I love how all of us wanna see Jumin knock the shit out of JK.
Get your popcorn ready, guys o_o

Noriko created a topic of Yours to Claim

The more I read, the more I think the author is projecting and needs to get professional help to deal with some trauma or fear, maybe depression. Some of the lines are so out of story and topic. It doesn't make sense and it's not relatable.

Also I don't understand what's going on, are you trying to say everybody should just study and work and not engage in love bc it could get difficult? Everybody is lonely now when they had so much potential to make each other happy with little effort. The most difficult time was over so now when there is not much left to get to a happy relationship, they just give up. WOW.

Noriko created a topic of Limited Run

"I realy am pathetic. Why would I turn him down if I was going to act like this"
Exactly my thought. Stop playing hard to get you crybaby. I hate him.

Noriko created a topic of Jinx

Ok stpü. Being drunk after 1 sip? That's unrealistic even for a fictional story. He's just pretending right? But why? Hope to excuse being cute to Dan for once but I'm afraid it's the opposite.

Nah, if I wanted to see a feminine bottom, I would read Shojo. He also has a difficult personality and looks like he is 10. The only interesting character here is Rui.

Noriko created a topic of Yours to Claim

So that bustard has the audacity to blame Cain for leaving after he told him to? Gosh, I'm so mad, I wish I would have never start reading gosh that toxic crap, I hate Jooin.

Noriko created a topic of You and I can't do this

As a German it's so funny to read all this about Germany and I can confirm it's so normal when two guys are kissing in public so I'm happy for them.
But I absolutely hate that passive crybaby drama queen bottom, he's making everything so unnecessarily difficult omg please stfu and appreciate the cute things Kang is doing for you or just hand him over to me instead.

Noriko created a topic of Yours to Claim

Jesus Christ I hate Jooin, please don't make Cain suffer for God's sake I'm loosing my frikin' mind!