The more I read, the more I think the author is projecting and needs to get professional help to deal with some trauma or fear, maybe depression. Some of the lines are so out of story and topic. It doesn't make sense and it's not relatable.
Also I don't understand what's going on, are you trying to say everybody should just study and work and not engage in love bc it could get difficult? Everybody is lonely now when they had so much potential to make each other happy with little effort. The most difficult time was over so now when there is not much left to get to a happy relationship, they just give up. WOW.

As a German it's so funny to read all this about Germany and I can confirm it's so normal when two guys are kissing in public so I'm happy for them.
But I absolutely hate that passive crybaby drama queen bottom, he's making everything so unnecessarily difficult omg please stfu and appreciate the cute things Kang is doing for you or just hand him over to me instead.
So... is that why Cain was here? To prove a point about fate and destiny??
And to give Jooin's plumb ass a free ride.
Which is kinda of stupid tbh because nothing correlates with it. Just Cain lol