I just read the raws and if ur anti-Cain ur anti-black. I don’t make the rules. Yawhi’s a white supremacist and ur anti-black if u disagree :3

https://tkor.cloud/주인의-사정 Here u go

Bruh my main problem is Ollie and Erika’s dad. I hate how the authors treats erikas dad even though he’s abusivd asf. They paint him out to be this man who just did it for love and even though he literally beats the kid he hasn’t given up on him...tf!?!??erika’s dad had a major role in making Erika the way he is, but instead of figuring out who his is like this he beat him, than wonders why he won’t talk to him, runs away, and wil pick up ginnys calls but not him. He’s ruined his relationship with his son and I hope the author doesn’t try to do some redemption arc , they become happy again, type she
As soon as I started this manhua I knew
I recognized this plot and found the novel translation I read a few years back. I’m telling y’all this now if u canf handle just these 5 chapters...drop it, cus Jesus Christ it’s a shit show through and through. Which is why I’m gonna recommend something, if u read a manhua based on a novel, drop it or don’t read it. They’re never good and always have despicable tops with pushover bottoms. China is rlly good at making shounen but even better at making toxic stories they see as “love”
Mmm sounds like fun
Made me laugh wasn't expecting your response