But seriously man, like at least just make Mr. Compress get caught or something, please don't kill him when we just got to know more about him :/ maybe just make him so gravely injured he's bed ridden? If he escapes with the league.
Or what if they turn him into a nomu to keep him alive..... Like an intelligent one like Kurogiri– that would be lit.
Just don't kill him please, Hori. I've been so interested in his character since his appearance, stop putting me in so much pain ;_; /lh

// gore (?)
Imagine seeing a marble with fucking human flesh and bones and organs in it, gross.
What if the marble breaks and that piece of Mr. Compress' side just flops onto the ground? Or worse, it breaks while someone it holding it... and they get a whole ass human waist now in their hands. Freaky.
Also possibly his ass? Sir, this is not what they meant when they said "gimme dat butt"
Mr. Compress really is hot though. Curly dark hair is my favorite thing in the world and he DELIVERED.

Once again here to promote following the official translations<3

Not sure how I feel about Mirio being back so... Suddenly, I guess? Like there were hints of it but still, seems a little out of place for me.
But I'm not gonna judge it too harshly for now, I trust Hori's writing. I just hope the explanation is good and the rest of the fight is gonna be lit. If this is the "fine hero" moment Nighteye was talking about then Lemillion is gonna DELIVER WOOOO
Still kinda hoped Best Jeanist would've just been a total beast on his own—I don't get why people hate him so much

ahhh, honestly I just cannot WAIT for the media reaction and proper reactions from the whole Todoroki family (especially Natsu since he was the closest with Touya). This reveal really isn't about the shock anymore since everyone already knew, but the aftermath of it and how it will effect the world and people's views on the hero society. I'm so excited for the next chapter holy shit.
Besides that, I really REALLY wanna know what exactly happened with Touya in the past and his whole "death" thing.
Remember to check out the official translation of 295 <3