I stopped reading this pretty much after the main story ended cos I didn’t really care for the redheads little idk redemption arc or whatever u wanna call it but I came back to see if anything good has happened since then and no… the answer is no lol
AHAHAAHAHA HE GOT BOOTED NOT ONCE BUT TWWWWIIIIICEEE NOW HAHAHAHAHA god I love Yeomin he really just living in his own world and hope that other people will be apart of it but when that mf busy HE STAY BUSY! Ain’t no dicking gonna have him in a chokehold and he always gonna secure the bag
dude really went from “sorry I was rapey before, I was wrong and just didn’t know how to express myself” to “im gonna rape u again to make u understand what I’m talking about!”
It don’t really work like that bruv
“Oh man I’m such a prick for not acknowledging this guys feelings and only thinking of what I wanted, I’m so mad at myself…. Anyway I’m gonna fuck this dude who is clearly having a traumatic experience, see ya” bro what the fuck
he said he gonna show who he is and he meant it, a bastard rapist boooooo
it’s the fact that dooshik is just gently but also kinda not so gently bullying dooha, just saying all these sexy things and admiring his dude while jooha is inwardly fighting for his life trying to grasp what the fuck is going on but doesn’t have the time to process before dooshik moves on to the next task lmao all while like casually talking to him while he plows into his ass Jesus Christ this chapter was a wild ride for everyone involved
jay being highkey love-dovey in that bath ,after what could probably be described as pretty brutal sex, kissing Yohans neck, grabbing his cheek then kissing it, just rubbing all over him is just *chefs kiss*perfect and exactly what the type of shit I wanna see every single time no exceptions it’s soooooo cute
the ungodly amount of emotions I need to unpack here but I just wanna say I have been bamboozled not once but twice bc besides the ending (can’t wait to get into that one) I really thought that Euihyun getting up from the bed was that ole got a boner from laying with Taeju and I was like “ooooo wait it might get a little flirty oooo” but then Euihyun fell and Taeju said his name in that dramatic ass font and then miscarriage?????? Oh boy was I way fucking off
but ummmmmmm yeah don’t agree, don’t like, don’t support these decisions that were made on this day cos I know Taeju would to come up with some eyerolling “woe is me you don’t deserve me cos I’m so horrible and I killed our baby” ass spiel and I’m noooot ready for it pls tell me I’m wrong
dudes brother being the bottom still has me floored ngl I was not expecting that one idk why that just wasn’t the energy I was getting
Wow only took 50 chapters to get to the present that was the first chapter and it somehow makes even less sense
Like dang they could have at least shown him getting snatched up by heeseo or something cos how u gonna start the season with him being locked up after a 7 year gap and just be like “so he’s here now” wtf bitch gimme some context
I want this to be one of those moments where mr. Park is like “….i see why u keep him around” cos yeomin is just so dang cute
And I also want mr. Park to try to lowkey slide in them DMs but knows he would probably get murked if he tried
This is one them stories where so much happens in so much time where when it finally comes to an end I’m just like…. Relieved lmao like I wouldn’t call this my fav really just based off the repetitiveness and unnecessary parts but honestly the drama was good and who can be mad at a happy ending….even if everything in between was borderline horrifying lol
both are so fucking whipped it’s insaaaaannnne lmao I love it
yeah bro don’t worry u gonna eat out alright, gonna eat out THAT ASS
I’m sorry
Sehyuk is such a horrifyingly petty nut job I’ll never have enough of it lol but poor Hamin forced to deal with the antics loooool I feel like he shouldn’t be shocked at this point tho considering Sehyun has been determined to have Hamin by his side for years now and now that he’s got him, yeah u bet ur ass he will literally do anything and everything to keep it that way crazy ass
It took me literally right until Jihan was confronting his ex from high school about cheating to realize that his ex from high school was NOT his current sunbae/fwb Jinyeong LOL which makes sense cos he said they didn’t meet until college on the hook up apps but like…. They have the same face and body what did u expect me to think??? I thought his name was fake too or something cos of when they ran away from the teacher I thought he might’ve just had a different name tag on or something lmaooooo
I love a good ML flashback from when first seeing/meeting the MC and all the thoughts that occurred while we were reading thru MCs eyes ahhhhh he really compared himself to a worm tho lmaoooo
this cute bitch on to something cos I been deprived too
He shoulda dragged that knife down to his stomach smh
Hawon literally counting his bodies on his fingers (to a sassy rhetorical question) midsex with the most possessive controlling man he knows…… his balls may be bald but goddamn it are they enormous
after I realized this is made from the sane author as An Easy Target, I was like ahhhh it’s gonna be one of those stories where rape is imminent and morals are questioned but damn why do they always have to make the crazy rapist tops so fuckin attractive like goddamn it’s gonna be so heinous and wrong but I’m just gonna sit here like “disgusting but his eyes look amazing” fuck u pretty privilege