womp womp what the fuck am I supposed to do with this lmao literally reading going “wtf why is he being so mean” lol like idk if I missed something or what but i feel like aura switched QUICK
Youngwon literally makes no sense to me like what the fuck is he even going on about lmao like at this point I’m convinced he actually just hates wooju and is getting revenge on him every chance he gets (for whatever the reason) like idk man it feels like he’s been a piece of shit this whole time lol
went from crying with mi-eum to having to do a double take as soon as jitae declares he’s gonna fuck him cos like ???? we were having a moment??? I mean it’s fine whatever but damn didn’t even give me a chance to wipe the tears before it got smutty again lmao
oh nooo not the niichan…. Obviously he’s for joohyuk in an attempt to give him an actual relationship arc that I fear will be not much different from the one he had with Eun-oh…. but maybe this brother (which also really??? Dochan’s brother??? Like we really had to keep it in the circle huh) will be a sassy bottom and can deflect rape attempts and verbal abuse like no other bottom could
but maybe not cos this author loooooooove them some romanticized sex abuse, EVEN in the redemption period lol
Wish I could say that from everything joohyuk has done the possibility of him being the endgame for eun-oh is low cos u know u can forgive but not forget (unless trauma blah blah) but considering there’s many stories with the MCs going back to literal rapist/kidnappers/psychos/all of the above that yeah he could very likely end up with joohyuk bc “romantic” Stockholm syndrome is a bitch that got these authors in a mf choke hold
I do think it will be doochan tho
LOL u know u got an interesting story when people start complaining that there’s too much sex and not enough plot…. I agree tho, like I wouldn’t mind if the plot was also moving and them also just fucking a lot but I guess these chapters would have to be a biiiiiiit longer for that cos rn all we got is the same shit we been knew about. I’m just ready to learn what the fuck is going on at this point lmao
guk saying “I’m fine now” after finally being able to fuck nannie is top tier comedy in my head lmao
LOL not him deadass throwing away his whole phone after lil dude texted him needing space lmaooooo he really said “if he not gonna text me I don’t need this mf at all” hahahahaha literally the only person in his contacts confirmed
wow would never guess if I didn’t already that that guk was a virgin from the way he was manhandling yeonan like that lmao he said we fuckin EVERYDAY meanwhile nannie can’t make it passed round one
Give it some time guk, just give it some time
…this order of events is mind boggling lmao so ole dude “fell for” (aka became obsessed with) mc at first sight, did subtle nice things for him like drive him to and from work and get him food… and then got jealous when other dude slept in his bed… then raped mc after promptly ignoring him going on about “this is ur fault cos u didn’t behave” like a crazy bitch like what
Then he basically kidnapped him to live with him and forced him to quit his job and then manipulated him into pittying him that he need him by his side… bruh I don’t remember how long it had been since they first met but I don’t think it was that long??? And mc fought for a bit but then was like “I guess this is my life now” ???
Im gonna keep reading cos im hoping that other dude comes into play at some point again but god none of this makes sense lol
God I love jooha
I love dooshik too but there’s just something about a pretty bottom with trauma (unknown or not) who confidently expresses themselves that just really hits and nerve for me
Did I mentioned he’s pretty? Sooooo fucking pretty I can’t get over it really
Notice how the artist could only draw jio’s fuckin yankee candle girthed dick in soohans mouth seen from a distance and then the next page is it already 97% out cos there’s no way they could have shown that shit in a closeup cos AINT NO WAY bruh soohans jaw is broken in 3 different places rn
also I seen soohan and I was like damn has he always been this buff?? But then I went to chapter 1 and bro most definitely used to be a twink and lowkey kinda miss it these muscles be kinda scary
he really just squatting in front of him like that for the best view
I already looked ahead like 3 chapters ago but yall it’s gonna get spiiiiccccccyyyy (kinda obvious)
AHAHAHAAHA THE THUMBs up between them after a successful conspiracy
bro showed up so easily like that’s all he need to do? Tell him he was drunk and needed picking up??? If he was gonna cave that fast then what was even the point in that charade just hold ya mans and don’t let go