Mada01's experience ( All 0 )

Mada01's answer ( All 6 )

I have the same feeling but I think is because I already read most of the best yaoi (and so many) so.... And right now like you Painter of the night is the only that keep me on edge   reply
26 07,2020
French West Indies   reply
13 05,2020
One more   1 reply
15 02,2020
Why the hell do you want to stop??? It's just a hobby.   reply
31 01,2020

Mada01's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

want to do travel the world

I just want run and never came back. Maybe Antarctica?

23 minutes
did how are u guys doing in school

got a 25% on my first physics exam 0-0 at least with corrections i can get up to a B!

6 hours
want to do my first boyfriend

ive had 2 girlfriends but never a boyfriend and i rlly want one bc ive never had one

6 hours