Ugh I hate reading small chapters and waiting for the next!! ヽ(`Д´)ノ
I’m going to start this again In January
Can someone explain why they are looking at the temple ? Why isis blacked out
I still love it I just need a reminder
I was kinda hoping that the girl was AI and the guy was not so that she realizes that she led her friend to death.
What if the 100th story is how the kid dies
Potato could have said something, Ik things happened so fast but if he had enough time to say hang in there doc Dan he could have said “we checked the can together “
I love it but now I need a story of them in their older years . I need Beom to feel deJa vu from his dream. I need to know what older Beom looks like help please don’t end it just yet pleaseeeeee
I need spicy scenes of them when they are older helpppppppp
This is so fucked up *waits for the next chapter *
I’m really here for the plot and the art
Otherwise I would have dropped this a long time ago
If I was incubating an egg in me for 5 months just for them to look like my baby daddy ? That’s crazy
What if Elizabeth is aware that she is in a fantasy world that keeps her immortal by starting the book over and over again. The reason why she spaces out is panic because she knows the book is changing and if the ending is not as predicted , it will never reset .that man we saw at the settings room is just a pawn to make sure she stays alive. They are previous Edith’s but they failed to change the story so they die
Why does she have to let go of her previous self ?I love how she learned of her biases and changed perspective, that was great character development. Why does she need to let go of who she truly is ? Will she ever tell her lover ?
Can someone explain their family tree because Ik all red eyes are related so why are they talking about marriage Ik incest is normal for them but um how is she related
Am I the only one the goes back a few pages to read it again and again so that I process the chapter ? Ughhhhit was so gooodddd